Francophone Institute for Computer Science
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IFI stands for Institut de la Francophonie pour l'Informatique [1]
A Southeast-Asian partner of Information Technology industries in northern French-speaking countries.
A university synergy in education and research among the French-speaking Northern and Southeast Asian countries
IFI is a graduate school which recruits by contest the Engineers (5 years)/Bachelors (4 years) in Computer Science. The course work at IFI is divided into three six-month semesters and a normally six-month internship abroad. This graduate work at IFI leads to a Master in Computer Science, which is recognized by both French and Vietnamese governments.
IFI recruits qualified engineers mainly in Vietnam, but also in other French-speaking countries. All courses here are delivered in French, which provide students with diverge aspects of advanced Computer Science. Our graduate students automatically have a professional opening towards the world of the companies in industrialized French-speaking countries and they also have contacts privileged to any French-speaking company (Industrial Corporation, Service Company, and Software Producer) which would like to install a branch in Vietnam or to develop a commercial activity there.
The internship then takes place either in Industries, in Universities or in Research laboratories. These internships are especially done in Europe, in Canada and, much less often, in Vietnam. The internships by research are often used as a bridge towards a PhD. The industrial internships are taken by those which seek the profile of a project leader in software development. In 2004, IFI counts nine promotions with 231 students. The former graduates of IFI became Lecturers, Researchers, Project Managers or Software Developers working in all the fields of Computer Science, in countries like Canada, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Vietnam and others. In 2003, since the creation of IFI in 1995, 162 students left the school, 63 continued their PhD studies and 14 have their PhD. 84 (ex-) students are living or working abroad.