Francisco Ferreira Drummond

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Francisco Ferreira Drummond (born January 21, 1796 in Vila de São Sebastião, died November 9, 1858 on Terceira Island in the Azores) was a historiographer, paleographer, musician and politician from the area of Vila de São Sebastião in the island of Terceira. He was a historic publisher occupying a part of the Azorean historiographers and in the good part of the works in the History of the Azores, mainly on the island of Terceira. He wrote the Anais da Ilha Terceira (Annals of Terceira Island).


[edit] Biography

Francisco Ferreira Drummond was born in Vila de S. Sebastião, Terceira Island in the Azores on January 21, 1796 and he died on September 11, 1858 at the age of 63. His father was Tomé Ferreira Drumond and Rita de Cássia, both residents of Vila de S. Sebastião. The Drummond family was then a primary magister of the governancy of Vila de S. Sebastião, having the presidency of the chamber and he had been busy for his father (in 1821). His brother, the captain of ordenances José Ferreira Drumond, dominated his political life for a couple of decades.

Ferreira Drummond when he was a child he chosed his vocation for letters and music. Qualified with primary teaching, he studied disciplinaries which constitutes the object of education of cultural youth and others in his native village: Latin, logics and the rhetorics. In many studies, he constantly looked for increasing its literary and artistic instructions, what he was facilitated familiarly where he lived.

[edit] Other

He left the island to escape persecution from the absolutists. He left on a boat heading to Santa Maria Island and then to Ponta Delgada, the boat later stopped at Madeira and then to Lisbon. After one year of exile, he returned to Terceira and having participated actively in the uncurling of the island's civil war (which was later described in the Anais da Ilha Terceira or the Annals of Terceira Island.

For his position as an organist at Matriz da Praia, for which he was nominated when he was fifteen, he went to S. Sebastião where he took position as notary for the municipal chamber, secretary of administration of the council and two other places. In 1836, he was elected president of the related chamber, having played these functions up to 1839. In this year, he was elected Solicitor to the General. He exercised during a couple of years as position of the Supplier to Santa Casa da Misericórdia.

Ferreira Drummond supported the fight against the elimination of the municipality of San Sebastião, eliminating that, in good part thanks to the activity of Ferreira Drummond although he intended on October 24, 1855, it was eliminated in April 1, 1870. Some of the most important works of the old chamber of San Sebastião was initiavely nominated for captation of the springs of Cabrito and he exploitation for milling, at that time, it was a largest hydraulic work in Terceira and one of the largest in the Azores.

In 1951, Francisco Ferreira Drummond was honored a small monument in Rossio, Vila de S. Sebastião.

[edit] Works

  • Memória Histórica da Capitania da Praia da Vitória - Edited by the Praia da Vitória town hall in 1846, 56pp Praia da Vitória, the book was republished in the collectible Memória Histórica do Horrível Terramoto de 15.VI.1841 que Assolou a Vila da Praia da Vitória (Historical Memory of the Horrible Earthquake of June 15, 1851 that devastated the town of Praia da Vitória), edition of Praia da Vitória town hall in 1983
  • Anais da Ilha Terceira - Chronologic annals featuring the history of the whole island of Terceira, published in 1850. It was offered by the town hall of Angra do Heroísmo. The work contains four volumes, containing 1,420 pages and 510 documents. Volume I was first published in 1850, the second volume in 1856, the third volume in 1859 and the fourth, posthumely in 1864. The work was republished in the facsimile of the original edition with the Regional Secretary of Education and Culture (Secretaria Regional da Educação e Cultura), Angra do Heroísmo, 1981
  • Apontamentos Topográficos, Políticos, Civis e Eclesiásticos, para a História das Nove Ilhas dos Açores, the work was published by the Instituto Histórico da Ilha Terceira, the Terceira Island Historic Institute, Angra do Heroísmo, 648 pp

[edit] External links

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