Francis Willughby's Book of Games

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Francis Willughby's Book of Games is a book published in 2003 that printed for the first time a transcription of a seventeenth-century manuscript written by Francis Willughby that was held in the library of the University of Nottingham. The modern edition was edited by Jeffrey L Forgeng, Dorothy Johnston, and David Cram and was published by Ashgate Publishing Company with ISBN 1-85928-460-4.

The manuscript was left incomplete when Willughby died at the age of 36, but even in its unfinished state it provides an unrivalled insight into the sports and games of his period.

Among the features of the book include descriptions of card games that are otherwise only known from reference in literature. It also includes the first formal study of children's board games to be written in a European language, investigation of the original manuscript has revealed that some of the descriptions of children's game were actually written by an unknown child with later corrections being made by Willughby.

Games in the work include,

  • Duelling
  • Dust Point
  • England and Ireland
  • Even or Odd
  • Father Fritchard
  • fencing
  • Fire and No Smoke
  • Fisticuffs
  • Football
  • Fox and Geese
  • Gig
  • Ging
  • Gleek
  • Gliffs
  • Half Almond
  • Handiback
  • Hannikin Cannst Abide It
  • Hawks
  • Heads and Points
  • Hide and Seek
  • Hockback
  • Hockcockles
  • Hop-Frog
  • Horn Billers
  • Horsing
  • Hummers
  • Hunting a Deer in My Lord's Park
  • Hurling
  • In and In
  • Inch Pinch
  • Irish
  • Jack Art Asleep
  • Kibble Heft
  • Kicking
  • King Heywood's Park
  • Kit-Cat
  • Laugh and Lie down
  • Leaping
  • Lend me your skimmer
  • Lilman
  • Loadum
  • Long Laurence
  • Ludus Astronomicus
  • Milking
  • Mill Stones
  • Nine Holes
  • Nine Men's Morris
  • Nine Pegs
  • Noddy
  • One-and-Thirty
  • Pelmel
  • Penny Prick
  • Pitching the Bar
  • Post and Pair
  • Pray Dame Coals
  • Prison Bars
  • Purposes
  • Put
  • Put-Pin
  • Puzzle of the Ship
  • Quoits
  • Riddles
  • Rhyming
  • Robin Alive
  • Ruff and Trump
  • Scotch Hopper
  • Selling of Bargains
  • Selling of Mill Stones
  • Seven Cards
  • Shuttlecock
  • Shoeing the Wild Colt
  • Shovel Board
  • Skittle Pins
  • Span-Counter
  • Stoolball
  • Stowball
  • Sword and Buckler
  • Tables
  • Ten pegs
  • Tennis
  • Throwing at Cocks
  • Tick
  • Ticktack
  • Tiring Irons
  • Top
  • Troll Madam
  • Truss-a-Fail
  • Tutball
  • Upper or Nether Choose you Whether
  • Vaulting
  • Whehee
  • Whirligig
  • Wrestling
  • Whole Almond