Fourth Chinese domination (History of Vietnam)

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The fourth Chinese domination was a period of the history of Vietnam, from 1406 to 1428, upon which, the country was ruled by the Ming Dynasty administration.

History of Vietnam series
Map of Vietnam

Hồng Bàng | Hung Lords

An Dương Vương (257–207 BC)
Triệu Dynasty (207–110 BC)
First Chinese domination (110 BC–AD 40)
The Trưng Sisters' revolt (40–43)
Second Chinese domination (43–544)
Lý Nam Đế (544–548)
Lý Thiên Bảo (548)
Triệu Việt Vương (548–570)
Latter Hau Lý Nam Đế (571–602)
Third Chinese domination (602–906)
The Khuc family (906–923)
Ngô Dynasty (939–967)
Đinh Dynasty (968–980)
Anterior Lê Dynasty (980–1009)
Lý Dynasty (1009–1225)
Trần Dynasty (1225–1400)
Hồ Dynasty (1400–1406)
Fourth Chinese domination (1406–1427)
Later Lê Dynasty (1428–1527)
Mạc Dynasty (1527–1532)
Trịnh Lords (1533–1789)
Nguyễn Lords (1558–1775)
Tây Sơn Dynasty (1778–1802)
Nguyễn Dynasty (1802–1945)
Democratic Republic of Vietnam (1945–1976)(North)
State of Vietnam (1949–1955)(South)
Republic of Vietnam (1955–1975)(South)
Republic of South Vietnam (1975–1976)(South)
Vietnam War
(Second Indochina War)
Socialist Republic of Vietnam (1976–Present)


[edit] Administration & government

Upon completing total control of Đại Ngu, the Chinese Ming Dynasty established a government inside the country. First, the Ming government had stated that it was "Hung Trần and Diet Hồ" regime (meaning to re-establish the Trần and to remove the Hồ) but soon Việtnam's people realized it was a cover-up and farce. Under the Ming Dynasty view at that time, Vietnam was considered to be a separate country from China, called Nanyue.

[edit] Sinicizing the country

Culturally, the Chinese imported many Chinese books and literature (such as the I Ching). Meanwhile, all classical Vietnamese books and materials relating to Vietnam were suppressed. Various ancient sites such as pagoda Bao Minh were looted and destroyed. The Ming Dynasty wanted to spread more of its Chinese culture in the area. Customarily, all Việt people were made to wear Chinese-style clothing.

[edit] Taxation and economy

The Chinese had greatly encouraged the development and the use of gold and silver mines. But right after the silver and gold were extracted they impounded them and sent a fraction of these minerals to Beijing. They also imposed salt taxes, but a slightly heavier tax against those who produced salt in the Nanyue area.

[edit] Military services, and control

To keep the people under control in Vietnam, the Ming government issued, and utilized the "So Ho" system, (literally meaning Family Book) at the lowest village community level. Whenever there was a change in a family, a change in the book was recorded and approved. Based on this information, they created a systematic military service enrollment process for all young men deemed fit enough to serve in the future for the Chinese Imperial Army. However, this process was no different then what other governments did to subjugated areas. Nonetheless, this had created a negative feeling against the Chinese government.

[edit] The revolt of the later Trần (1407-1413)

With this type of administration and control of Nanyue, the Việt people began to fight against the Chinese authorities. Several rebellions were started, only to be crushed by the Ming Dynasty army. Among the people who led the rebellion were, Trần Quy, a young son of the emperor Trần Nghệ Tông (1370-1372) and Trần Qui Khoach, a nephew. These revolts were short-lived and poorly planned but they helped lay the groundwork for Lê Lợi's war for independence.

[edit] References

  • Viet Nam Su Luoc by Tran Trong Kim
  • Viet Su Toan Thu of Pham Van Son

[edit] See also

Preceded by:
Hồ Dynasty
Ruler of Vietnam
Succeeded by:
Lê Dynasty