Foureye butterflyfish

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ifoureye butterflyfish

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Chaetodontidae
Genus: Chaetodon
Species: C. capistratus
Binomial name
Chaetodon capistratus
Linnaeus, 1758

The foureye butterflyfish, Chaetodon capistratus, is a butterflyfish of the family Chaetodontidae found among tropical reefs around the world and concentrated in the Indo-Pacific oceanic region.

Foureye butterflyfish are deep-bodied and laterally compressed, with a single dorsal fin and a small mouth with tiny, bristle like teeth. The foureye butterflyfish mates for life and therefore they will often be seen in pairs.

Foureye butterflyfish
Foureye butterflyfish

Foureyes get their name due to a large, dark spot on the rear portion of each side of the body. This spot is surrounded by a brilliant white ring resembling a false eye. A black, vertical bar on the head runs down the true eye, making it more nondescript and may result in a predator confusing the back end of the fish for the front end. The four-eye's first instinct when threatened is to flee, putting the false eye spot closer to the predator than the head. Most predators aim for the eyes, and this false eye spot tricks the predator into thinking that the four-eye will flee tail first.

When escape is not possible, the four-eye will sometimes turn to face its aggressor, head lowered and spines fully erect, like a bull about to charge. This may serve to intimidate the other animal or may remind the predator that the butterfly is much too spiny to make a tasty meal.

Foureye butterflyfish usually frequent shallow inshore waters, where they feed on a variety of crustaceans and coral polyps.

The foureye butterflyfish is known for its uncanny ability to swim in and around coral heads and reefs. The fish is able to find its way through the most intricate passages by swimming on its side or even upside down.

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