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[edit] Basics

Name: Forest J. Handford
Birthdate: 9/16/77
Location: Pawtucket, RI
Marital Status: Divorced
Job: Computer Programmer

Currently I am adding to the entries about Carthage. I have a six-year old son named Simon.

[edit] To-Do List

[edit] Interests

acting, alternative, anime, archery, arisia, atari, babylon 5, bdsm, bondage, books, bright colors, camping, cartoons, castles, changeling, children, climbing, clubbing, comics, computers, concerts, costuming, cuddling, cyber, cycling, dance, dancing, dark tower, de sade, divorce, douglas adams, dragons, Dropkick Murphys, dvds, ender's game, evanescence, fetish, fifth element, Firefly, food, france, freedom, french, friendship, games, gaming, gencon, german, ghosts, halloween, handcuffs, hiking, history, hooping, ice skating, Impeach Bush, industrial, itunes, justice, kissing, knowledge, LARP, laughing, leather, libertarian, liberty, life, liquid dancing, lobster, love, martial arts, modern dance, Monty Python, movies, music, night, ninjas, nooky, orson scott card, parenting, peace, photography, photoshop, pirates, poetry, poi, pony play, ponygirls, programming, providence, reading, recycling, requiem, Rhode Island, role-playing games, roller skating, romance, rope bondage, salsa dancing, sci-fi, science, sensuality, sex, simpsons, singing, skiing, spinning, star wars, stephen king, submission, sushi, swords, system of a down, teen titans, theatre, Tool, Tori Amos, traveling, video games, volunteerism, warcraft, women, writing, zombies

[edit] Favorite Links

My Website
My LiveJournal
Tanya's Site

[edit] Some of my friends on Wiki


[edit] Userboxes

en-us-n This user is a native speaker of American English.
en-us This user can speak American English.
js This user can program in JavaScript.
C++ This user is a C++ programmer.
<html> This user can write HTML.
This user is interested in ancient civilizations.
The Triforce This user plays games from
The Legend of Zelda series.
Secondhand smoke is one of this user's pet peeves.
Big Brother is watching this user.
prog-3 This user is an advanced programmer.
Webcomics This user reads webcomics.

LJ This user maintains a LiveJournal  as ForestJay.

Eagle Scout Knot

This user is an Eagle Scout.
This user is male.
Y This user is a member of Generation Y.
29 This user is 29 years old.
This user was born on September 16.
G This user uses Google as a primary search engine.
This user uses Wikipedia as his or her primary point of reference.
This user enjoys reading science fiction.
trek This user is a Trekkie or Trekker.

This user is bisexual, not confused.

vn-1 This user page has been vandalized 1 time.
This user's AOL Instant Messenger screenname is RodL10th.
All your base are belong to ForestJay.
This user is a Jedi.

My ally is the Force. And a powerful ally it is.
This user is a Vigil Honor member of the Order of the Arrow.