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The folgerphone (sometimes Folgerphone) is a wind instrument (or aerophone), classifiable as a woodwind rather than brass instrument despite being made of metal, because it has a reed (cf. saxophone). It is a modern experimental instrument, using an alto sax mouthpiece, with copper tubing and a coffee can (the name is a reference to Folger's™, a common brand of canned coffee). It is not commercially produced, but constructed by musicians, and need not use a genuine coffee can, but any metallic sounding box. Although using sax parts, it is a cylindrical bore instrument, and thus part of the clarinet family.

[edit] History

The instrument was invented by Nolan Hatcher and Craig Nutt (source), at least as early as 1979, when it was used on their duet album Dinosaur Time (source). It has also been used in recorded experimental and jazz works by others, such as Robert Horton's band Plateau (not to be confused with the Skinny Puppy side-project platEAU), as on the 1990 Arrhythmia compilation CD.