Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer

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Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer
Directed by Henry Burrows
Produced by Foiled Productions
Written by Henry Burrows
Richard Hassall
Starring Louise Anne Bateman
   (Fluffy Winters)
Paul Andrade
   (Alex Harrison)
Kat Whitaker
   (Ash Johannesburg)
Peter Kidson
   (Ted Farmer)
Steven McCombe
   (Count Von Whedon)
Music by Mike Varty
Sue Element
Release date(s) December 2001
Running time 18 minutes
Language English
Budget Low
IMDb profile

Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer is a Buffyverse fan-made production; more specifically, it is a short film parodying the TV series, "Buffy the Vampire Slayer".

Despite being described as "one of the first widely watched Whedonverse fan films"[1], reviews of "Fluffy" have been mixed. Some appreciate the parody, (for example a BBC reviewer who says "it works in my book."[2]), the film also has a fan site[3]. Others are less positive of the production: As of July 2006, the film's rating on Internet Movie Database was 3.3 out of 10.


[edit] Story description

Fluffy, a vampire slayer based in England, has to defeat the evil Count Von Whedon when he gets his hands on a magical ring giving him surprising new powers.

Whilst on a routine patrol, Fluffy is surprised by a vampire who does not die when she stakes him. At her American Watcher's (Farmer) house the next day she and her gang research the unusual vampiric encounter.

Fluffy, Ash and Alex go back to the place where Fluffy met the mysterious vampire but come face-to-face with an old enemy. Fluffy and Alex are led into a lair of vampires and must fight for their lives - while Farmer and Ash attempt to use technology to save them.

[edit] Characters

Character name Character description
Fluffy Winters In every generation there is a chosen one. Although Fluffy is not that chosen one, she consideres her role in life to help keep the demonic underworld at bay.
Ash Johannesburg Grade-A student, and a whiz with a computer, Ash is one of Fluffy's best friends. She is recently trying to get to grips with the use of magic.
Alex Harrison Since leaving school, Alex has been permanently "seeking employment". Alex is also one of Fluffy's best frinds.
Ted Farmer Farmer was rejected from the Watchers' Council because he was American. He moved to Sunningdale and has now taken charge over Fluffy's fight against evil.
Count Von Whedon Believes himself to be the master of Sunningdale underworld, some would disagree.

[edit] Series

The project was originally planned to be a series, the fan film known as "Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer" is actually one episode within this series (1x04, "Lord Of The Ring").

Ren later wrote some fan fiction based on "Fluffy", and used the titles already chosen for the unmade episodes:

Episode number Episode title Story
"A New Town" Fan fiction story by Ren
"Farmer, Himself" Fan fiction story by Ren
"Beer Good" Unavailable
"Lord Of The Ring" Fan film directed by Henry Burrows
"Goodbye, Basingstoke" Unavailable
"Who Are We?" Unavailable
"Shush" Unavailable
"Dream Time" Unavailable

[edit] Trivia

  • Took seven days to film in six locations.
  • The episode is unofficially called ""Lord Of The Ring".

[edit] Cast

In order of appearance:

Louise Anne Bateman - (Fluffy Winters)
Paul Andrade - (Alex Harrison)
Kat Whitaker - (Ash Johannesburg)
Peter Kidson - (Ted Farmer)
Steven McCombe - (Count Von Whedon)
Rebecca Hachenberg - (Rachel)
Sue Element - (Lili)
Christopher Cummings - (Vampire)
Steve Farrell - (Vampire)
Mark Flitter - (Vampire)
John Nicholls - (Vampire)
Howell Parry - (Vampire)
Aidan Robinson - (Vampire)
Mark Robert Stalker - (Vampire)
Mike Varty - (Vampire)

[edit] Crew

Writer/Director/Editor: Henry Burrows

Assistant Director/Editor: Lucinda Randolph

Production Assistants: Sarah Strong & Howell Parry

Sound: Shaun Gostelow & Mark Flitter

Stunt Coordinators: Rebecca Hachenberg & Mark Flitter

Lighting: Mark Flitter

Make-up: Rebecca Hachenberg

Catering: Julien Cheront, Dave Corrie & Stephen Davis

Original Soundtrack: Mike Varty & Sue Element

[edit] Soundtrack

"Noscaferatu" were responsible for all the music in the film: the theme tune, and the orchestral music. "Noscaferatu" is made up of Mike Varty (keyboards and other instruments) and Sue Element (vocals). They received assistance from Dave Hobbs and Ian Salmon on guitars, Paul Brown on Bass and Martin Meads on Drums.

The "Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer Soundtrack" contains the following songs:

Track number Song title
Fluffy Theme Tune
Last Count
Black Maserati
In Time

[edit] Footnotes

  1.   Wired.com - Fan Films Reclaim the Whedonverse
  2.   Bbc.co.uk - "Fluffy" entry
  3.  Fluffy_fan.tripod.com - "Fluffy" fan site

[edit] External links

[edit] Official site

[edit] Other sites

[edit] Information

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