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Flagr [1] is an online social community that lets you bookmark and annotate real world locations with your friends using open mapping API's provided by both Yahoo and Google.

Each bookmark, known as a flag, can have a title, description, photos, video, and tags related to the underlying location. Flags can be added to the map from online, or on the go from a mobile phone by sending a text message. Each flag can be shared through its external URL, or through an icon labeled "See it on a map!" For example, on Flickr you can put this icon in the comments section of the photos for people to see where you took your picture. The icon can also be used on a blog to show a specific place to the readers.

Flagr Maps allow you to group, share, and discuss locations under a common theme or idea defined by the user.

There are three types of maps:
1. Public: anyone can join and contribute flags to the map.
2. Invite-Only: only those invited can contribute flags to the map.
3. Personal: only the creator of the map can contribute flags to the map.

Sharing maps is very similar to that used on online video sharing websites. Each map has an external URL for linking, and an embed code to place the map directly on any blog or website.