Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec

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"Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec" is the title of a song and the recurring lyrics in an additional song in the video game RPG Final Fantasy VIII. The words are an anagram for "succession of witches" and "love," referring to the sorceresses which appear in the story and one of its main themes. The phrase "succession of witches" is used as an audio track in composer Nobuo Uematsu's Final Fantasy VIII-Piano Collections album. This track is essentially "Liberi Fatali" transcribed into a piano score, further proving relation of the anagram to the repeated words. The words appear as the title of the audio track heard during the parade sequence of the game. They can also be heard during the audio track "Liberi Fatali," which plays during the opening sequence of the game. Finally, this is the name of the Orchestral soundtrack for Final Fantasy VIII.

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Final Fantasy VIII
List of Final Fantasy VIII characters - List of Final Fantasy VIII locations

Squall - Rinoa - Quistis - Zell - Irvine - Selphie
Seifer - Laguna
Garden - Chocobo World - Eyes On Me - Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec - Liberi Fatali - Original Soundtrack - Orchestrated Soundtrack