Finis Valorum

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Star Wars character
Finis Valorum
Finis Valorum, the last democratic leader of the galaxy before Palpatine
Finis Valorum, the last democratic leader of the galaxy before Palpatine
Position Senator of Lytton Sector, Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic
Homeworld Coruscant
Species Human
Gender Male
Height 1.8 meters
Affiliation Galactic Republic
Portrayed by Terence Stamp

Finis Valorum (9121 BBY) was a fictional character in the Star Wars universe, who first appeared in the film Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Valorum was played by actor Terence Stamp who has stated that the character was inspired by then United States President Bill Clinton.[citation needed] Stamp recalls that director George Lucas described Valorum as a good but beleaguered man.[citation needed]


[edit] Biography

He was the Chancellor of the Galactic Republic before Padmé Amidala introduced a successful motion of no confidence into the Galactic Senate. He was subsequently deposed and replaced by his colleague, Senator Palpatine of Naboo, who ends up being the last Chancellor of the Republic, and the first Emperor of the Galactic Empire. Finis Valorum had a deep respect for the Force.

According to material published as part of the Expanded Universe, Valorum comes from an ancient and distinguished family, and at least one of his ancestors had served as Chancellor in the past. This background, ironically, works against him, although he was a Senator of the Lytton Sector, many believed he had been elected solely because of his famous surname. Valorum's appropriate first name, Finis (which means "the end"), was first mentioned in Expanded Universe material. His full name in Latin translates to "the end of honour," as if presaging the imminent fall of the Republic; it finds an echo in Padmé's statement that "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause."

[edit] Death

Valorum was killed shortly after the Battle of Geonosis, in a terrorist attack that was attributed to Separatists. However, Valorum had earlier been meeting with Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan, and had revealed that he was suspicious about Palpatine's political maneuverings. It is reasonable to conclude that the future Emperor had orchestrated Valorum's death. The Finis Valorum Memorial was constructed on Coruscant to honor the last person to serve as Chancellor before Palpatine's rise to power.

[edit] Trivia

The name 'Finis Valorum' suggests a translation as 'The End of Honour' in Latin, though this is a slightly liberal interpretation of his name. As the final Supreme Chancellor of the Old Republic before the dark days that lay ahead, this meaning would seem highly appropriate.

[edit] External links

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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
Characters: Padmé Amidala | Battle Droid | Jar Jar Binks | C-3PO | Nute Gunray | Handmaiden | Jabba the Hutt | Qui-Gon Jinn | Obi-Wan Kenobi | Darth Maul | Boss Nass | Ric Olié | Palpatine | Captain Panaka | R2-D2 | Sebulba | Darth Sidious | Anakin Skywalker | Shmi Skywalker | Captain Tarpals | Finis Valorum | Watto | Mace Windu | Yoda

Events: Trade Federation Blockade of Naboo | Invasion of Theed | Boonta Eve Classic | Battle of Naboo

Planets: Coruscant | Naboo | Tatooine

Cities: Coruscant | Mos Espa | Otoh Gunga | Theed

Starships: Droid Starfighter | Naboo N-1 Starfighter | Naboo Royal Starship | Neimoidian Shuttle | Republic Cruiser | Sith Infiltrator | Trade Federation Battleship | Trade Federation Droid Control Ship | Trade Federation C-9979 Landing Craft

Vehicles: Coruscant Air Taxi | Flare-S Swoop | Flash Speeder | Gian Speeder | Gungan Battle Wagon | Gungan Bongo | Podracer | Sandcrawler | Sith Speeder | STAP | Trade Federation AAT | Trade Federation MTT | X-34 Landspeeder