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For other uses, see Finger (disambiguation).
Human fingers; 15kb
Fingers of the human left hand

The finger is any of the digits of the hand in humans and other species such as the great apes. The grace of the fingers is not sacrificed to their dexterity due to the placement of their muscles in the forearm, with motion communicated via long tendons which may be observed on the back of the hand. A notable exception is the thumb, with its flexor and rotators contained in the hand itself.

The bones of the fingers are called phalanges (singular phalanx); the thumb has two phalanges, and the other fingers have three. The fingers' names in English are shown below, from the most radial to the most ulnar: The finger is any of the digits of the hand in humans and other species such as the great apes. The grace of the fingers is not sacrificed to their dexterity due to the placement of their muscles in the forearm, with motion communicated via long tendons which may be observed on the back of the hand. A notable exception is the thumb, with its flexor and rotators contained in the hand itself.

  1. thumb
  2. index finger, pointer finger, or forefinger
  3. middle finger, long finger
  4. ring finger
  5. little finger or pinky

[edit] See also

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HEAD: Skull - ForeheadEyeEarNoseMouthTongueTeethJawFaceCheekChin

NECK: ThroatAdam's apple - Larynx

TORSO: ShouldersSpineChestBreastRibcageAbdomenBelly button

Sex organs (Penis/Scrotum/Testicle/Clitoris/Vagina/Ovary/Uterus) – HipAnusButtocks

LIMBS: ArmElbowForearmWristHandFinger (Thumb/Index/Middle/Ring/Little) – LegLapThighKneeCalfHeelAnkleFootToe (Hallux)

SKIN: Hair