Felicity Arbuthnot

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Felicity Arbuthnot is a journalist, writer and political activist, renowned for her articles opposing the UN sanctions against Iraq and the US led invasion of Iraq.

She played herself in Paying the Price: Killing the children of Iraq (2000)

Born Felicity Anne Clarendon-Hyde, she married 1967 David C D Arbuthnot (divorced 1973) whose surname she still uses. She has one son by Colin Simpson.

Felicity Arbuthnot is a journalist with credits from John Pilger. She has been nominated for numerous awards. Her articles on Iraq can be read on her own blog.

Arbuthnot is an advisor to the Brussels Tribunal and is an editorial advisor to the Palestinian Chronicle and Global Research.ca

She is a regular contributor to numerous publications of varying politcal views, including the British based Morning Star and has co-authored with Niki Van der Gaag a book, "Baghdad" - in the Great Cities educational series for World Almanac Library.

Felicity Arbuthnot is a supporter of the British based Iraq Solidarity Campaign and Middle East Cultural Association. Arbuthnot says: "to watch countries like Iraq, Palestine and Afghanistan slide from the impossible to the apocalyptic in the name of 'freedom and democracy' shames all the West cites as 'civilised'".

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