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The Feldjägerkorps was a military police organization in the German Wehrmacht during World War II. It was formed on 27 November 1943 from distinguished veterans and Patrol Service personnel. This corps was formed into three Feldjäger Commands (I, II and III), which reported directly to Field Marshal Keitel, and was senior to all other military police organizations.

Each Feldjägerkommandeur controlled a FJ battalion (from 24 April 1944, a regiment), with five motorized companies, each of 30 officers and 90 NCOs. This was divided into 30 Patrols, which were based 12 miles behind the front lines, These patrols were very rough in their justice, which included summary executions. They were supported by a Streifkorps (Patrol Corps), organized into sections of a senior NCO and 9 enlisted personnel.