Fazenda Nova
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Fazenda Nova is a small town and municipality in central-west Goiás state, Brazil. The population was 7,048 (2005 estimate) in a total area of 1,285.7 km².
- Population density: 5.52 hab/km² (2003)
- Elevation: 476 meters
- Became a city: 1953
- Postal code: 76220-000
Fazenda Nova is located northwest of the state capital, Goiânia, which is 206 km. away taking highways GO-418 and GO-060. Fazenda Nova belongs to the Iporá Microregion.
Municipal boundaries are with: Buriti de Goiás, Córrego do Ouro, Israelândia, Jaupaci, Jussara, Montes Claros de Goiás and Novo Brasil.
Political Data
- Eligible voters: 5,496 (06/09/2004)
- Mayor: João Batista de Medeiros (January 2005)
- Vice-mayor: Irineu de Souza Corrêa
- Councilmembers: 09
Demographic Data
- Population growth rate 1991/2000: -0.11.%
- Population in 1980: 9,887
- Population in 1991: 7,165
- Urban population in 2003: 4,783
- Rural population in 2003: 2,288
- Households in 2000: 2,265
- Households earning less than 01 minimum salary: 1,049
Economic Data
- Gross Domestic Product in 2003: R$43,566 million
- Gross Domestic Product in 2002: R$36,095 million
- State ranking of GDP in 2002: 119 out of 246 municipalities
- PIB per capita in 2003: R$6,167
- PIB per capita in 2002: R$5,104 (state average was R$5,921)
- Industrial units: 11 (10/06/2005)
- Retail units: 68 (abr/2005)
- Banking institutions: Banco do Brasil S.A (01/06/2005)
- Dairies: Laticínios Morrinhos Ind. e Com. Ltda.; - Coop. Prod. de Leite da Regional de Fazenda Nova (07/06/2005)
- Automobiles: 205 in 2004
- Cattle: 117,800 head (2004)
- Poultry: 48,500
- Swine: 7,700
- Milk cows: 24,000
- Rice: 200 hectares
- Corn: 700 hectares
- Soybeans: 130 hectares
- Modest production of manioc, hearts of palm, and bananas.
Education and Health
- Literacy rate: 84.1%
- Infant mortality rate: 18.35 in 1,000 live births
- Schools: 10 (2005)
- Classrooms: 56
- Teachers: 99
- Students: 1,775
- Hospitals: 01 (July 2003
- Hospital beds: 28
- Walk-in public health clinics: 03
Ranking on the Municipal Human Development Index
- Life expectancy: 71.28
- Adult literacy rate: 0.821
- School attendance rate: 0.877
- MHDI: 0.746
- State ranking: 89 (out of 242 municipalities in 2000)
- National ranking: 1,996 (out of 5,507 municipalities in 2000)
Data are from 2000
For the complete list see Frigoletto.com.br
Sources of Data