Father Time (Marvel Comics)
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Father Time is a superhero from the Golden Age of Comic Books who appeared in Captain America Comics #6 (September 1941), published by Timely Comics (later Marvel Comics). Larry Scott, alias Father Time, wore a hooded cloak, wielded a scythe, and sought to make time work against criminals, rather than in their favor. He became Father Time to save his wrongfully accused father from the electric chair, but was only seconds too late to prevent his father's death. Father Time had several more adventures in subsequent issues of Captain America Comics and in other Timely publications.
In the 50th anniversary issue of Captain America (issue #383), a much older Father Time reappeared as a time-manipulating Elder of the Universe who unsuccessfully attempted to place Captain America in stasis alongside other iconic figures of American legend and folklore, including Uncle Sam, Johnny Appleseed, and Paul Bunyan. Given the unique nature of the Elders of the Universe, either this Father Time was a different character than Larry Scott, or Larry Scott's origin was heavily retconned by establishing him as an Elder.