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duck -> Ente {de} -> NT -> New Testament -> ethics

duck can refer to christian ethics or ethics in general.

Also, more specific:

¹) While "Turn the other cheek" may sound good at first and even second thoughts it is yet again an overstatement and oversimplification: There are situations where it works and there are situations where the exploitation of the pacifist will quickly become a social standard. Not taking revenge is a very sensible precedent but failure to analyze motivation, ethics and intent of the other as well as possible future developments is not.

ET + hics [1] -> ethics

[1] onomatopoetic [2] word expressing the sound of a hiccup.
[2] Onomatopoeia is often about animal noises and could be a metaphor for "trying to understand animals".

proper gander -> propaganda

"You think that's a duck? That's not a duck." -> "Avoid propaganda"

Enterprise -> Ente {de} + er {de} + price -> "Ethics come at a price".

Also: enterprising -> Ente {de} + er {de} + praising

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