User:Fasten/Fair Society
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- But my actions, as an individual, are always irrelevant in that sense;
- if I, and I alone, deserted, the loss would be infinitesimal. The catch
- is, I could never know that I was acting alone ...
- As for worrying about alter egos who desert, or fail or die, there's a
- simple solution: I disown them. It's up to me to define my identity any
- way I like. I may be forced to accept multiplicity, but the borders are mine
- to draw. 'I' am those who survive, and succeed. The rest are someone else.
- (LUM-10)
[edit] What constitutes fairness?
[edit] To what degree is the exploitation of random advantages fair?
[edit] Is a random distribution of education fair?
[edit] Is a lottery fair?
[edit] To what degree is inheriting money fair?
[edit] Where is the difference?
[edit] To what degree is separation by nationality, gender, wealth, race or rolling dice fair?
- Does it make sense to randomly disown (separate from) a peer group because a random event was to your advantage (as in the quote from Luminous)?
[edit] Why do you want to be fair? ( You first. )
see also: conservation_law
[edit] Capitalism vs. Fair Society
[edit] What's wrong with Capitalism?
[edit] Can a capitalist society approximate anything like uniform distribution? Does that make sense?
[edit] What solutions to the knapsack problem do exist?
[edit] What could substitute or alleviate the unfairness in handing down property to heirs?
[edit] Is an ethical consumer card sufficient to solve the inherent unfairness of the money system?
[edit] How can everybody get a (part-time) job that is sufficiently intellectually stimulating?
[edit] Beyond Capitalism
[edit] Can today's society function without money?
[edit] Can a future society function without money? Can it function with money?
[edit] What could be the preconditions for a society without money?
[edit] Which sensible ideas might be shadowed by Nineteen Eighty-Four and similar works?
[edit] What mechanisms for job rotation does a fair society need in order to distribute necessary work to qualified people in a fair way?
- How can you make companies embrace the inefficiency this would necessarily introduce?
- How can you make people embrace the financial inefficiency this would probably introduce?
- How could this become widely adopted?
[edit] Social Change
[edit] Can family ties be substituted or supplemented with tutorship and friendship towards much larger circles?
- Why should a genetic relationship be important?
- Can public residential schools play a role in this?
[edit] Could regular schools offer evening schools for adults and pupils, possibly with pupils as assistant teachers?
- How could you motivate adults to participate as pupils and as (supply) teachers?
- What would be desirable topics for mixed education of pupils and adults?
[edit] Can schools be intentional communities for adults and pupils?
[edit] Should schools create larger communities with twin schools and exchange teachers, supply teachers and pupils? ²
[edit] What's the meaning and value of the Fourier transform?
[edit] Is Cohousing a viable approach?
[edit] In how far are old people's homes useful prototypes for intentional communities?
[edit] See also
¹) The question is actually a good form of representation for the YHVH language as it is hypothetical in nature.
²) see Education