Fast chess

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Bullet chess, blitz chess, and rapid chess are chess games in which each side is given less time to make their moves than under the normal tournament time controls of 40 initial moves by each player in two hours. The time controls are:

  • Bullet (aka 'lightning chess'): less than 3 minutes per side
  • Blitz (aka 'speed chess'): 3 to 15 minutes per side (5minutes is common)
  • Rapid (aka 'action chess'): ~30 minutes per side

In rapid chess tournaments, the final positions of the contestants may be resolved by a series of games with ever shortening control times. In this case, two games may be played with each time control, as playing with black or white pieces is not equally liked among players. After these, in the case of even score, a single game may decide the winner of the match, though this requires an additional rule to be implemented, f.e. as in FIDE regulations of the Match Topalov-Kramnik (regulation 3.7.3.) .

The short time controls in blitz and rapid chess reduce the amount of time available to consider each move, and may result in a frantic game, especially as time runs out. A player whose time runs out automatically loses, unless the opposing player has insufficient material to mate, in which case the game is a draw. "Losing on time" is possible at even the longer, traditional time controls, but is more common in blitz and rapid versions.

A common rule used in "blitz tournaments" is that if a player makes an illegal move, the player's opponent may point it out and claim a win. For example, if a player leaves his or her king in check, the other player may claim the win. This rule can be left out for a friendly game or left in for what some consider to be a more exciting and fun game.

The terms blitz or blitzkrieg in chess sometimes means a quick attack on the f7 or f2 square (see algebraic notation), regardless of the time control of the game (Kidder 1960).

Chess boxing uses a blitz version for the chess component of this sport.

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