Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne

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The Faculty of Science at the University of Melbourne is one of the oldest science faculties in Australia (est. 1903). It teaches a substantial number of undergraduate and postgraduate students (over 6,500), as well as being a significant centre for scientific research. The number of courses offered is quite low, as most students are enrolled in the Bachelor of Science and specialise by choosing a major (eg. Physics or Biochemistry).

For 2005 the (start of year) intake of local students into the Bachelor of Science was 787. This was down from 845 in 2004 (Source: VTAC Guide 2005, VTAC Guide 2006). Possible factors include the declining popularity of science degrees in Australia, and the recent increase in HECS fees.

Under the proposed 'Melbourne Model' the faculty will administer the Bachelor of Science, and will also have input into some of the other generalist degrees.

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