Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

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Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
The mucous sheaths of the tendons around the ankle. Lateral aspect. (Extensor dig. brevis labeled at upper right.)
Muscles of the front of the leg. (Ext. dig. brev. labeled at bottom center.)
Latin musculus extensor digitorum brevis
Gray's subject #131 490
Nerve: peroneal nerve
Dorlands/Elsevier m_22/12548900

The extensor digitorum brevis muscle is a muscle on the upper surface of the foot that helps extend digits 2, 3, and 4.


[edit] Structure

The extensor digitorum brevis is found on the back of the foot. It arises with the extensor hallucis brevis muscle from the calcaneus bone; many consider these two muscles are a single common muscle.

The extensor digitorum brevis divides into three tendons, which insert on the second, third, and fourth middle phalanges.

[edit] Innervation

The extensor digitorum brevis is innervated by the deep fibular nerve (deep peroneal nerve).

[edit] Action

The extensor digitorum brevis help to extend the toes to which it attaches.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Muscles of the HeadNeckTrunkUpper limbLower limbLIST OF ALL MUSCLES

ILIAC REGION/HIP FLEXORS: psoas major | psoas minor | iliacus | (Gray's s127)

THIGH: anterior femoral | sartorius | quadriceps (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis) | articularis genu
medial femoral/adductor | gracilis | pectineus | adductor brevis | adductor longus | adductor magnus
gluteal region | gluteals (maximus, medius, minimus) | tensor fasciae latae
lateral rotator group | piriformis | obturator externus | obturator internus | inferior gemellus | superior gemellus | quadratus femoris
posterior femoral/hamstring | biceps femoris | semitendinosus, semimembranosus | (Gray's s128)

LEG: anterior crural | tibialis anterior | extensor hallucis longus | extensor digitorum longus | fibularis tertius
superficial posterior crural | calf (gastrocnemius, soleus) | plantaris
deep posterior crural | popliteus | flexor hallucis longus | flexor digitorum longus | tibialis posterior
lateral crural | fibularis longus | fibularis brevis | (Gray's s129)

FOOT: dorsal | extensor digitorum brevis | extensor hallucis brevis
plantar first layer | abductor hallucis | flexor digitorum brevis | abductor digiti minimi
plantar second layer | quadratus plantae | lumbrical muscle
plantar third layer | flexor hallucis brevis | adductor hallucis | flexor digiti minimi brevis
plantar fourth layer | dorsal interossei | plantar interossei | (Gray's s131)

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