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Promotional shot by William Rahilly
Promotional shot by William Rahilly

Excepter is a four-man noise-improv musical group from Brooklyn known for crawling around the stage during their live performances. They have a new CD/LP coming out on 5 Rue Christine/Fusetron called Alternation.


[edit] Members

  • John Fell Ryan
  • Nathan Corbin
  • Dan Hougland
  • Jon Nicholson (aka DJ Porkchop)

[edit] Discography

  • Alternation (2006, 5RC, GER047)
  • Sunbomber EP (2006, 5RC, GER055)
  • Self Destruction (2005, Fusetron, ER03)
  • Throne (2005, Load, ER07)
  • KA (2003, Fusetron)

[edit] In the Press

The Village Voice alt-weekly has frequently mentioned the subject of the band's attire, with controversial blogger and (former) Voice writer, Nick Sylvester referring to them as having "ousted Animal Collective as the Village People of Brooklyn Noise" (Brooklyn's Excepter banned from the Knitting Factory by Nick Sylvester, The Village Voice, September 28, 2005). The significance of their hats were noted several more times. However, the band actually dresses like this all the time in their personal lives and thus it is incorrect to classify it as being costume. Unless, of course, any clothing north of sweatpants and cotton smocks be deemed too flowery by the button-down minds of the blogosphere.

[edit] See also