Excelis Rising

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Big Finish Productions audio play
Album cover
Excelis Rising
Series Doctor Who
Release number 2 in Excelis series
Featuring Sixth Doctor
Writer David A. McIntee
Director Edward Salt
Producer(s) Gary Russell,
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Executive producer(s) Jacqueline Rayner
Production code EX02
Set between The Ultimate Foe and
Time and the Rani
Release date 8 April 2002

Excelis Rising is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who. It is part of the Excelis trilogy which commenced in Excelis Dawns and concludes in Excelis Decays. The events are also connected to the Bernice Summerfield audio drama The Plague Herds of Excelis.

[edit] Plot

The Sixth Doctor arrives on the planet Artaris many centuries after his first visit, where a seemingly familiar figure is still hunting for the Holy relic.

[edit] Cast

  • The DoctorColin Baker
  • Reeve Maupassant — Anthony Stewart Head
  • The Curator — Charles Kay
  • Solomon — Rupert Laight
  • Thief — Toby Walton
  • Inquisitor Danby — Nicky Goldie
  • Minister Pryce — James Lailey
  • The Mother Superior — Patricia Leventon

Sixth Doctor audio dramas v  d  e 
Slipback | The Sirens of Time | Whispers of Terror | The Marian Conspiracy | The Spectre of Lanyon Moor
The Apocalypse Element | The Holy Terror | Bloodtide | Project: Twilight | The One Doctor | The Ratings War
Excelis Rising | The Maltese Penguin | ...ish | Real Time | The Sandman | Jubilee | Doctor Who and the Pirates
Project: Lazarus | Davros | Zagreus | The Wormery | Arrangements for War | Medicinal Purposes
Her Final Flight | The Juggernauts | Catch-1782 | Thicker than Water | Cryptobiosis | Pier Pressure
The Nowhere Place | The Reaping | The Year of the Pig
Doctor Who audio plays