EX Emerald

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EX Emerald
(Pokémon Trading Card Game)

EX Emerald logo
Publisher Pokémon USA, Inc.
Cards in set 108
Expansion Code EM
Set number Nine (By Pokémon USA)
Release Date May 9, 2005
Preceding Set EX Deoxys
Following Set EX Unseen Forces
Included in the 2006-2007 Modified Format

EX Emerald is the ninth Pokémon Trading Card Game set released by Pokémon USA. It is based on the Pokémon Emerald video game released by Nintendo in 2005 (2004 in Japan). The set's symbol is an emerald. The set coincided with the release of the videogame in the US and Europe; however, the set was not released in Japan. Instead, Nintendo released six 15-card packs, known as Quick Construction Packs - one pack for each type of Basic Energy.


[edit] Types of Pokémon in EX Emerald

[edit] Pokémon-ex

Pokémon-ex are incredibly powerful. Their HP are usually far above that of their regular form, and they are much stronger. On occasions, some Pokémon-ex, such as Dusclops ex, have two Resistances, and some, such as Altaria ex, have no Weakness. Some, however, such as Gengar ex, have two Weaknesses, putting them at a disadvantage. Another disadvantage of Pokémon-ex is that when Knocked Out, the player who has done so must take two Prize cards instead of the usual one.

[edit] World Championships

[edit] Worlds 2005

The set was a legal set in Worlds 2005, which was EX Ruby & Sapphire onwards.

[edit] Worlds 2006

The set was a legal set in Worlds 2006, which was EX Hidden Legends onwards.

[edit] Worlds 2007

The set will be a legal set in Worlds 2007, which will be EX Deoxys onwards.

[edit] Set List

Battle Frontier

[edit] Holographic

  • 1/106 Blaziken
  • 2/106 Deoxys (Speed Form)
  • 3/106 Exploud
  • 4/106 Gardevoir
  • 5/106 Groudon
  • 6/106 Kyogre
  • 7/106 Manectric
  • 8/106 Milotic
  • 9/106 Rayquaza
  • 10/106 Sceptile
  • 11/106 Swampert

[edit] Rare

  • 12/106 Chimecho
  • 13/106 Glalie
  • 14/106 Groudon
  • 15/106 Kyogre
  • 16/106 Manectric
  • 17/106 Nosepass
  • 18/106 Relicanth
  • 19/106 Rhydon
  • 20/106 Seviper
  • 21/106 Zangoose

[edit] Uncommon

  • 22/106 Breloom
  • 23/106 Camerupt
  • 24/106 Claydol
  • 25/106 Combusken
  • 26/106 Dodrio
  • 27/106 Electrode
  • 28/106 Grovyle
  • 29/106 Grumpig
  • 30/106 Grumpig
  • 31/106 Hariyama
  • 32/106 Illumise
  • 33/106 Kirlia
  • 34/106 Linoone
  • 35/106 Loudred
  • 36/106 Marshtomp
  • 37/106 Minun
  • 38/106 Ninetales
  • 39/109 Plusle
  • 40/106 Swalo
  • 41/106 Swellow
  • 42/106 Volbeat

[edit] Common

  • 43/106 Baltoy
  • 44/106 Cacnea
  • 45/106 Doduo
  • 46/106 Duskull
  • 47/106 Electrike
  • 48/106 Electrike
  • 49/106 Feebas
  • 50/106 Feebas
  • 51/106 Gulpin
  • 52/106 Larvitar
  • 53/106 Luvdisc
  • 54/106 Makuhita
  • 55/106 Meditite
  • 56/106 Mudkip
  • 57/106 Numel
  • 58/106 Numel
  • 59/106 Pichu
  • 60/106 Pikachu
  • 61/106 Ralts
  • 62/106 Rhyhorn
  • 63/106 Shroomish
  • 64/106 Snorunt
  • 65/106 Spoink
  • 66/106 Spoink
  • 67/106 Swablu
  • 68/106 Taillow
  • 69/106 Torchic
  • 70/106 Treecko
  • 71/106 Voltorb
  • 72/106 Vulpix
  • 73/106 Whismur
  • 74/106 Zigzagoon

[edit] Trainer

  • 75/106 Battle Frontier
  • 76/106 Double Full Heal
  • 77/106 Lanette's Net Search
  • 78/106 Lum Berry
  • 79/106 Mr. Stone's Project
  • 80/106 Oran Berry
  • 81/106 PokéNav
  • 82/106 Professor Birch
  • 83/106 Rare Candy
  • 84/106 Scott
  • 85/106 Wally's Training

[edit] Special Energy

  • 86/106 Darkness Energy
  • 87/106 Double Rainbow Energy
  • 88/106 Metal Energy
  • 89/106 Multi Energy

[edit] Pokémon ex

  • 90/106 Altaria ex
  • 91/106 Cacturne ex
  • 92/106 Camerupt ex
  • 93/106 Deoxys ex (Speed Forme)
  • 94/106 Dusclops ex
  • 95/106 Medicham ex
  • 96/106 Milotic ex
  • 97/106 Raichu ex
  • 98/106 Regice ex
  • 99/106 Regirock ex
  • 100/106 Registeel ex

[edit] Energy

  • 101/106 Grass Energy
  • 102/106 Fire Energy
  • 103/106 Water Energy
  • 104/106 Lightning Energy
  • 105/106 Psychic Energy
  • 106/106 Fighting Energy

[edit] Box Topper

  • 107/106 Farfetch'd

[edit] See also

[edit] External links