EX Deoxys

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EX Deoxys
(Pokémon Trading Card Game)

EX Deoxys logo
Publisher Pokémon USA, Inc.
Cards in set 109
Expansion Code DX
Set number Eight (By Pokémon USA)
Release Date February 14, 2005
Preceding Set EX Team Rocket Returns
Following Set EX Emerald
Included in the 2006-2007 Modified Format

EX Deoxys is the eighth Pokémon Trading Card Game set released by Pokémon USA. It is based on the Pokémon Deoxys, and also loosely on Rayquaza. Both of these were the featured legendary Pokémon in the seventh Pokémon movie, Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys. While the Pokémon in this set have little, if anything, to do with either of these two Pokémon, the set's Trainer cards feature people and places involved with Astronomy in the Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald videogames. The set's symbol is a shooting star.


[edit] Types of Pokémon in EX Deoxys

[edit] Pokémon-ex

Pokémon-ex are incredibly powerful. Their HP are usually far above that of their regular form, and they are much stronger. On occasions, some Pokémon-ex, such as Rayquaza ex, have two Resistances, and some, such as Mr. Mime ex, have no Weakness. Some, however, such as Charizard ex, have two Weaknesses, putting them at a disadvantage. Another disadvantage of Pokémon-ex is that when Knocked Out, the player who has done so must take two Prize cards instead of the usual one.

[edit] Pokémon-*

Pokémon-* tend to be fairly similar to Pokémon-ex in that their HP are sometimes elevated and they can sometimes be stronger than their regular counterparts. However, this is not as regular in Pokémon-* as it is in Pokémon-ex. Pokémon-* usually appear in sets in groups of three; for example, Mudkip, Treecko and Torchic and Regirock, Regice and Registeel. Only one Pokémon-* may be put in a deck, regardless of whether it is a 30-card deck or a 60-card deck.

[edit] Set List

Deoxys ex (Normal Form)

[edit] Holographic

  • 1/107 Altaria
  • 2/107 Beautifly
  • 3/107 Breloom
  • 4/107 Camerupt
  • 5/107 Claydol
  • 6/107 Crawdaunt
  • 7/107 Dusclops
  • 8/107 Gyarados
  • 9/107 Jirachi
  • 10/107 Ludicolo
  • 11/107 Metagross
  • 12/107 Mightyena
  • 13/107 Ninjask
  • 14/107 Shedinja
  • 15/107 Slaking

[edit] Rare

  • 16/107 Deoxys (Normal Form)
  • 17/107 Deoxys (Attack Form)
  • 18/107 Deoxys (Defense Form)
  • 19/107 Ludicolo
  • 20/107 Magcargo
  • 21/107 Pelipper
  • 22/107 Rayquaza
  • 23/107 Sableye
  • 24/107 Seaking
  • 25/107 Shiftry
  • 26/107 Skarmory
  • 27/107 Tropius
  • 28/107 Whiscash
  • 29/107 Xatu

[edit] Uncommon

  • 30/107 Donphan
  • 31/107 Golbat
  • 32/107 Grumpig
  • 33/107 Lombre
  • 34/107 Lombre
  • 35/107 Lotad
  • 36/107 Lunatone
  • 37/107 Magcargo
  • 38/107 Manectric
  • 39/107 Masquerain
  • 40/107 Metang
  • 41/107 Minun
  • 42/107 Nosepass
  • 43/107 Nuzleaf
  • 44/107 Plusle
  • 45/107 Shelgon
  • 46/107 Silcoon
  • 47/107 Solrock
  • 48/107 Starmie
  • 49/107 Swellow
  • 50/107 Vigoroth
  • 51/107 Weezing

[edit] Common

  • 52/107 Bagon
  • 53/107 Baltoy
  • 54/107 Barboach
  • 55/107 Beldum
  • 56/107 Carvanha
  • 57/107 Corphish
  • 58/107 Duskull
  • 59/107 Electrike
  • 60/107 Electrike
  • 61/107 Goldeen
  • 62/107 Koffing
  • 63/107 Lotad
  • 64/107 Magikarp
  • 65/107 Makuhita
  • 66/107 Natu
  • 67/107 Nincada
  • 68/107 Numel
  • 69/107 Phanpy
  • 70/107 Poochyena
  • 71/107 Seedot
  • 72/107 Shroomish
  • 73/107 Slakoth
  • 74/107 Slugma
  • 75/107 Slugma
  • 76/107 Spoink
  • 77/107 Staryu
  • 78/107 Surskit
  • 79/107 Swablu
  • 80/107 Taillow
  • 81/107 Wingull
  • 82/107 Wurmple
  • 83/107 Zubat

[edit] Trainers

  • 84/107 Balloon Berry
  • 85/107 Crystal Shard
  • 86/107 Energy Charge
  • 87/107 Lady Outing
  • 88/107 Master Ball
  • 89/107 Meteor Falls
  • 90/107 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
  • 91/107 Space Center
  • 92/107 Strength Charm

[edit] Special Energy

  • 93/107 Boost Energy
  • 94/107 Heal Energy
  • 95/107 Scramble Energy

[edit] Pokémon-ex

  • 96/107 Crobat ex
  • 97/107 Deoxys ex (Normal Form)
  • 98/107 Deoxys ex (Attack Form)
  • 99/107 Deoxys ex (Defense Form)
  • 100/107 Hariyama ex
  • 101/107 Manectric ex
  • 102/107 Rayquaza ex
  • 103/107 Salamence ex
  • 104/107 Sharpedo ex

[edit] Pokémon-*

  • 105/107 Latias
  • 106/107 Latios
  • 107/107 Rayquaza

[edit] Box Topper

  • 108/107 Rocket's Raikou ex

[edit] World Championships

[edit] Worlds 2005

The set was a legal set in Worlds 2005, which was EX Ruby & Sapphire onwards.

[edit] Worlds 2006

The set was a legal set in Worlds 2006, which was EX Hidden Legends onwards.

[edit] Worlds 2007

The set will be a legal set in Worlds 2007, which will be EX Deoxys onwards.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links