
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Evolution Education wiki (EvoWiki for short) is a Wiki about evolution and origins. The focus is on evolution education, particularly addressing the arguments of Creationism and Intelligent Design from the perspective of science. It is inspired by webpages such as talkorigins.org and talkdesign.org..." (emphasis added) [1]


[edit] EvoWiki and other wikis

EvoWiki and Wikipedia, for example, both present information on the topics of evolutionism and creationism. Wikipedia articles are strictly required to adopt a Neutral Point of View policy rather than taking sides on a controversy. EvoWiki's separation from the much larger Wikipedia allows it to specialize in evolutionary theory and present its own arguments unhindered by a neutral point of view. EvoWiki allows anyone to edit its pages but cautions that "[EvoWiki] is not "viewpoint neutral", and we do not keep pro-creationism edits, or discuss the details of such edits and why we remove them." [2]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ EvoWiki:Goals
  2. ^ EvoWiki:Editorial philosophy

[edit] External links

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