Wikipedia:Evangelical Dictionary of Theology/B
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- Baal-zebub
- Babylon
- Backsliding
- Bailli, John
- Balfour Declaration
- Balthasar, Hans Urs von
- Bampton Lectures
- Banquet, Messianic, Messianic Banquet (see Marriage Feast of the Lamb)
- Baptism
- Baptism, Believers', Believers' Baptism
- Baptism, Infant, Infant Baptism
- Baptism, Lay, Lay Baptism
- Baptism, Modes of, Modes of Baptism
- Baptismal Regeneration
- Baptism for the Dead
- Baptism of Jesus
- Baptism of the Spirit
- Baptism Tradition, The, The Baptism Tradition
- Barclay, Robert
- Barclay, William
- Barmen, Declaration of, Declaration of Barmen
- Barnes, Albert
- Barnhouse, Donald Grey
- Barth, Karl
- Basel, First Confession of, First Confession of Basel
- Basil the Great
- Baur, Ferdinand Christian
- Bavinck, Herman
- Baxter, Richard
- Beatification
- Beatific Vision
- Beelzebub, Beelzebul (see Baal-zebub)
- Belgic Confession
- Belief, Believe (see Faith)
- Believer (see Names of Christians)
- Believers' Baptism
- Bellamine, Robert
- Benedict of Nursia
- Benediction
- Bengel, Johann Albrecht
- Berdyaev, Nikolai Aleksandrovich
- Berkeley, George
- Berkhof, Louis
- Bekouwer, Gerrit Cornelis
- Bernhard of Clairvaux
- Beza, Theodore
- Bible
- Bible, Authority of, Authority of Bible, Authority of the Bible
- Bible, Canon of, Canon of Bible, Canon of the Bible
- Bible, Inerrancy and Infallibility of, Inerrancy of the Bible, Inerrancy of Bible, Infallibility of Bible, Infallibility of the Bible, Inerrancy and Infallibility of the Bible, Inerrancy and Infallibility of Bible, Infallibility and Inerrancy of the Bible, Infallibility and Inerrancy of Bible
- Bible, Inspiration of, Inspiration of Bible, Inspiration of the Bible
- Bible, Interpretation of, Interpretation of the Bible, Interpretation of Bible
- Biblical Criticism
- Biblical Theology Movement
- Bioethics
- Birth Control
- Birth, New, New Birth
- Bishop
- Black Theology
- Blasphemy
- Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
- Bloesch, Donald G.
- Blood
- Blood, Sacrificial aspects of, Sacrificial aspects of Blood, Sacrificial aspects of blood
- Boasting
- Bodily Presence (see Views of the Lord's Support)
- Bodily Resurrection (see Resurrection of the Dead)
- Bodily Resurrection of Christ (see Resurrection of Christ)
- Body, Biblical View of the, Biblical view of the body
- Body and Soul (see Dichotomy, Doctrine of Mankind)
- Body of Christ (see Church)
- Body, Soul, and Spirit (see Doctrine of Mankind, Trichotomy)
- Boehme, Jakob
- Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus Boethius
- Bogomils (see Cathari)
- Bohemian Brethren
- Bonaventure
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
- Book of Common Order
- Book of Common Prayer
- Book of Concorde
- Book of Life
- Booth, Catherine
- Booth, William
- Born Again
- Bossuet, Jacques Bénigne
- Boston, Thomas
- Bottomless Pit (see Abyss)
- Bousset, Wilhelm
- Branch (see Messiah)
- Breaking of Bread (see Lord's Supper)
- Brethren of Common Life
- Bride of Christ (see Church)
- British Israelitism
- Brother
- Brother Lawrence
- Brown, William Adams
- Bruce, Frederick Fyvie
- Bruderhof
- Brummer, Heinrich Emil
- Buber, Martin
- Bucer, Martin
- Buchman, Frank (see Moral Re-armament)
- Bulgakov, Sergei Nikolaevich
- Bulinger, Johann Heinrich
- Bultmann, Rudolf
- Bunyan, John
- Burial, Christian, Christian Burial
- Burnt Offerings (see Offerings and Sacrifices in Bible Times)
- Bushnell, Horace
- Butler, Joseph