European symbols

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Life in the European Union
Flag of the European Union

The Council of Europe (COE) has developed a series of European symbols for the continent of Europe, and these have since been shared with the European Union (EU). They are intended both as symbols of the organisations themselves, and as a focus for a form of Pan-European identity.


[edit] Flag

Main article: European flag
Flag of Europe

The flag of Europe is twelve golden stars (pointing upwards) in a circle on a blue background. Although the flag is most commonly associated with the European Union, it was initially used by the Council of Europe in 1955, and is considered to represent Europe as a whole as opposed to any particular organisation such as the EU or the COE.

The flag was adopted in 1985 by all EU heads of State and government as the official emblem of the European Union and, since the beginning of 1986, it is used by all European institutions.

The flag has also given Europe its "national colours" of blue (particularly, reflex blue) and yellow.

[edit] Emblems

[edit] Institutions and bodies

Istitution or body Emblem
European Union
Parliament Image:Euparliamentlogo.jpg
Council Image:Councileu.gif
Court of Justice and Court of First Instance
Court of Auditors Image:Euauditors.jpg
European Economic and Social Committee Image:Eusocial.gif
Committe of the Regions Image:Euregions.jpg
European Investment Bank Image:Euinvestbank.gif
European Investment Fund Image:Euinvestfund.jpg
European Central Bank 100px‎
Ombudsman Image:Ombudsman.jpg
European Data Protection Supervisor (in preparation)

[edit] Interinstitutional services and agencies (decentralised organisations)

Interinstitutional service or agency Emblem
Community Plant Variety Office Image:CommunityPlantVarietyOffice.gif
Eurojust Image:Eurojustlogo.jpg
European Agency for Reconstruction
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Image:EUSHW.jpg
European Aviation Safety Agency Image:EUASA.jpg
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (in preparation)
European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training Image:CEDEFOPlogo.jpg
European Chemicals Agency (in preparation)
European Communities Personnel Selection Office Image:EPSOlogo.jpg
European Defence Agency (in preparation)
European Environment Agency Image:EUEnviroment.gif
European Food Safety Authority Image:EFSAlogo.gif
European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions Image:EUlivingworkingcond.gif
European Maritime Safety Agency Image:EMSA_logo.gif
European Medicines Agency Image:EMEAlogo.gif
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction Image:EUdrugs.jpg
European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia Image:EUracism.jpg
European Network and Information Security Agency Image:ENISAlogo.gif
European Police College (in preparation)
European Police Office Image:EUROPOLlogo.jpg
European Railway Agency Image:EURailwayA.gif
European Training Foundation Image:EUTrainingFound.jpg
European Union Institute for Security Studies Image:EUSS.gif
European Union Satellite Centre Image:EUSC.jpg
Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market Image:OHIM_Logo.gif
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities Image:EUOfficialpublications.jpg
Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union Image:EUtranslationlogo.jpg

[edit] Anthem

(Dernier mouvement de la Neuvième symphonie (Ode à la joie) / van Beethoven, Ludwig (compositeur); von Karajan, Herbert (arrangeur))

In 1971 the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe decided to propose adopting the prelude to the Ode To Joy from Beethoven's 9th Symphony as the European anthem. The Council of European Ministers officially announced the European Anthem on January 19th 1972 at Strasbourg: the prelude to "The Ode to Joy", 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's 9th symphony.
The well-known conductor Herbert Von Karajan was asked to write three instrumental arrangements - for solo piano, for wind instruments and for symphony orchestra and he conducted the performance used to make the official recording. He wrote his decisions on the score, notably those concerning the tempo. Karajan decided on crotchet = 120 whereas Beethoven had written minim = 80.
The anthem was launched via a major information campaign on Europe Day in 1972.
In 1985, it was adopted by EU heads of State and government as the official anthem of the then European Community - since 1993 the European Union. It is not intended to replace the national anthems of the Member States but rather to celebrate the values they all share and their unity in diversity, it expresses the ideals of a united Europe: freedom, peace, and solidarity. [1].

The European anthem is based on the final movement of Beethoven's 9th Symphony composed in 1823, which contains a modified version of the lyrics of Friedrich Schiller's ode, An die Freude (German for Ode To Joy) written in 1785. This poem expresses Schiller's idealistic vision of the human race becoming brothers - a vision Beethoven shared.

It is played on official occasions by both the Council of Europe and the European Union.

Due to the large number of languages used in the European Union, the anthem is purely instrumental and the German lyrics have no official status. For the German lyrics refer to the article about the 9th Symphony. A suggestion for Latin lyrics to the anthem has been written by the Austrian composer Peter Roland, but the lyrics has not been accorded official status, and is not used by the EU [2].

13/04/2004 Council of Europe: Hip hop version of European Anthem goes on sale to public
A Council of Europe CD featuring the world’s first hip hop version of the European Anthem went on sale today to the public. The CD, entitled “Variations”, contains several other musical styles of Beethoven’s famous Ode to Joy, including symphony orchestra, church organ, piano (classical and jazz), rock guitar, jazz violin, techno and trance versions. The CD also contains a booklet explaining the origins of the European Anthem and the European flag. [3] [4]

20/06/2005 European Anthem: Council of Europe CD features new classical recording
A Council of Europe CD features a new classical recording of the European anthem, based on Beethoven’s “the Ode to Joy”. The CD is being released in Strasbourg today, at the start of the June session of the organisation’s Parliamentary Assembly. The new recording was made by the symphony orchestra of SWR, the German regional broadcaster based in the Black Forest town of Baden-Baden. The orchestra, which was conducted by Roland Kluttig, performed a rhapsody arrangement by the French composer, Christophe Guyard. The CD, entitled “Variations”, also includes hip hop, techno and jazz versions, as well as classical interpretations for piano and church organ. It was originally released in January 2004. The official version of the anthem, which is shared by the Council of Europe and the European Union, remains the 1971 arrangement by the conductor Herbert von Karajan. [5]

CD: The European Anthem / l'Hymne Européen "Variations"

To some people, the use of music arranged by Herbert von Karajan, is contentious as he willingly joined the Nazi party in 1935.

[edit] Europe Day

The Council of Europe has celebrated its founding on 5 May 1949 as "Europe Day" since 1964.

What is now the European Union adopted 9 May as "Europe Day" at the Milan summit in 1985, to celebrate that Robert Schuman presented his proposal on the creation of an organized Europe, indispensable to the maintenance of peaceful relations, on 9 May 1950. This proposal, known as the Schuman declaration, is considered by many to be the beginning of the creation of what is now the European Union.

9 May is now the more commonly observed date, though some Europeans still prefer 5 May, since the Council of Europe was designed to defend human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law, while the Schuman speech was simply proposing a sharing of French and German coal and steel. Incidentally, May 9 is also celebrated in many former Soviet Union countries as Victory Day, the end of World War II. This is celebrated on May 8 in most Western European countries.

[edit] Motto

The European motto is In varietate concordia (Latin for Unity in diversity). It was first established through an unofficial process in 2000. It was selected from entries proposed by school pupils submitted to the website, and then accepted by the President of the European Parliament, Nicole Fontaine. The motto is soon likely to be replaced by the slightly modified "United in diversity", which has been written into the draft Constitution for Europe and now appears on official EU websites. See for the motto in many languages not listed below.

Curiously, the motto is essentially the same as the South African motto officially adopted in 2000-04-27: "!ke e: /xarra //ke" in /Xam, an extinct Khoisan language. "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika", translated as "Unity in Diversity", is also the national motto of Indonesia. It is also similar to "E pluribus unum" (Latin for "out of many, one"), one of the mottos of the United States of America. Unity in diversity is the present official motto of Papua New Guinea.

[edit] In the official languages of member-states of the EU

  • Czech - Jednotnost v různorodosti
  • Danish - Forenet i mangfoldighed
  • Dutch - Eenheid in verscheidenheid
  • English - United in diversity
  • Estonian - Ühtsus erinevuses
  • Finnish - Erilaisuudessaan yhdistynyt / Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen
  • French - Unis dans la diversité
  • German - In Vielfalt geeint
  • Greek - Ενότητα στην πολυµορφία
  • Hungarian - Egység a sokféleségben
  • Italian - Uniti nella diversità
  • Latvian - Vienotība dažādībā
  • Lithuanian - Vienybė įvairialypiškume
  • Maltese - Magħqudin fid-diversità
  • Polish - Jedność w różnorodności
  • Portuguese - Unidos na diversidade
  • Slovak - Jednota v rozdielnosti
  • Slovene - Združeni v raznolikosti
  • Spanish - Unidos en la diversidad
  • Swedish - Förenade i mångfalden

[edit] In other languages used by EU citizens

  • *Irish - Aontaithe d'ainneoin na héagsúlachta
  • Basque - Aniztasunean bat eginik
  • Catalan - Units en la diversitat
  • Esperanto - Unuiĝinte en diverseco
  • Frisian - Ienheid yn ferskaat
  • Galician - Unidos na diversidade
  • Ido - Unionita en diverseso
  • Latin - In diversitate iuncti
  • Luxembourgish - Eenheet an der Verschiddenheet
  • Russian - Единство в разнообразии
  • Sardinian - Umpare in sa diversidade.
  • Scots - Ae mynd, monie kynd
  • Scottish Gaelic - Aonachd ann an eugsamhlachd
  • Welsh - Yng nglym mewn gwahaniaeth
  • Rusyn - Единство в раздилности
  • Ukrainian - З'єднанi в рiзноманiтностi (Zjednani v riznomanitnosti)
*Will be an official EU language as of 1 January 2007

[edit] In languages used in the candidate countries

  • Bulgarian - Единни в многообразието
  • Croatian - Ujedinjeni u raznolikosti
  • Macedonian -Обединети во различноста
  • Romanian - Uniți în diversitate
  • Turkish - Çoklukta birlik

[edit] In languages used in the potential candidate countries

  • Serbian - Уједињени у различитости / Ujedinjeni u različitosti
  • Albanian -

[edit] Draft EU constitution

The Convention on the Future of Europe proposed in Article IV-1 (The symbols of the Union) of its draft Constitution for Europe, July 18, 2003:

The flag of the Union shall be a circle of twelve golden stars on a blue background.
The anthem of the Union shall be based on the Ode to Joy from the Ninth Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven.
The motto of the Union shall be: United in diversity.
The currency of the Union shall be the euro.
9 May shall be celebrated throughout the Union as Europe day.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

[edit] European flag

[edit] European anthem

[edit] Europe day

[edit] European motto