European Union statistics

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Life in the European Union
Flag of the European Union

Statistics in the European Union are collected by Eurostat. The EU has 25 member states as of 1 May 2004. This number will increase as other states join the Union. Romania and Bulgaria are scheduled to join on January 1, 2007, while Croatia is not expected to join until the end of the decade, possibly in 2009 or 2010.

See also: Enlargement of the European Union


[edit] Institutional Statistics

Member State Year
Seats in
Seats in
% of Total
Votes in
the Council
Votes in
the Council
% of Total
European Union European Union N/A 732 100.0% 321 100.0%
Flag of Austria Austria 1995 18 2.5% 10 3.1%
Flag of Belgium Belgium 1957 24 3.3% 12 3.7%
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 2004 6 0.8% 4 1.2%
Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 2004 24 3.3% 12 3.7%
Flag of Denmark Denmark 1973 14 2.0% 7 2.1%
Flag of Estonia Estonia 2004 6 0.8% 4 1.2%
Flag of Finland Finland 1995 14 2.0% 7 2.1%
Flag of France France 1957 78 10.7% 29 9.0%
Flag of Germany Germany 1957 99 13.5% 29 9.0%
Flag of Greece Greece 1981 24 3.3% 12 3.7%
Flag of Hungary Hungary 2004 24 3.3% 12 3.7%
Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 1973 13 1.8% 7 2.1%
Flag of Italy Italy 1957 78 10.7% 29 9.0%
Flag of Latvia Latvia 2004 9 1.2% 4 1.2%
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 2004 13 1.8% 7 2.1%
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 1957 6 0.8% 4 1.2%
Flag of Malta Malta 2004 5 0.7% 3 0.9%
Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 1957 27 3.7% 13 4.0%
Flag of Poland Poland 2004 54 7.4% 27 8.4%
Flag of Portugal Portugal 1986 24 3.3% 12 3.7%
Flag of Spain Spain 1986 54 7.4% 27 8.4%
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 2004 14 2.0% 7 2.1%
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 2004 7 1.0% 4 1.2%
Flag of Sweden Sweden 1995 19 2.6% 10 3.1%
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 1973 78 10.7% 29 9.0%

See also:

[edit] Area and population

The European Union had a population of 456.8 million in 2004. This will exceed 500 million as more states are expected to join the union in the next few years. The most densely populated country is the island of Malta, which is also the smallest, whilst the largest in area is France. The least densely populated country is Finland. The highest and lowest figures in each column have been marked in bold.

Member State Population
in millions
% of EU
% of EU
Pop. density
European Union European Union 454.9 100% 3 976 952 100% 115
Flag of Austria Austria 8.2 1.8% 83 858 2.1% 98
Flag of Belgium Belgium 10.3 2.3% 30 510 0.8% 340
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 0.8 0.2% 9 250 0.2% 84
Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 10.2 2.2% 78 866 2.0% 130
Flag of Denmark Denmark 5.4 1.2% 43 094 1.1% 126
Flag of Estonia Estonia 1.4 0.3% 45 226 1.1% 29
Flag of Finland Finland 5.2 1.1% 337 030 8.5% 15
Flag of France France 60.2 13.2% 547 030 13.8% 111
Flag of Germany Germany 82.4 18.1% 357 021 9.0% 231
Flag of Greece Greece 10.7 2.4% 131 940 3.3% 81
Flag of Hungary Hungary 10.0 2.2% 93 030 2.3% 108
Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 3.9 0.9% 70 280 1.8% 57
Flag of Italy Italy 58.0 12.8% 301 320 7.6% 193
Flag of Latvia Latvia 2.3 0.5% 64 589 1.6% 35
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 3.5 0.8% 65 200 1.6% 55
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 0.5 0.1% 2 586 0.1% 181
Flag of Malta Malta 0.4 0.1% 316 0.0% 1 261
Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 16.3 3.6% 41 526 1.0% 395
Flag of Poland Poland 38.6 8.5% 312 685 7.9% 124
Flag of Portugal Portugal 10.1 2.2% 92 931 2.3% 114
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 5.4 1.9% 48 845 1.2% 111
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 1.9 0.4% 20 253 0.5% 99
Flag of Spain Spain 40.2 8.8% 504 782 12.7% 80
Flag of Sweden Sweden 8.9 2.0% 449 964 11.3% 20
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 60.1 13.2% 244 820 6.2% 243

See also: Largest cities of the European Union by population

[edit] Languages

For statistics relating to languages spoken in the European Union, please see Languages of the European Union.

[edit] Economy

For statistics relating to economy, please see Economy of the European Union.

[edit] EU Budget

The primary resource for funding the European Union is the contributions sought from member states. Each member state contributes to the EU budget, and receives funding back from the EU, depending on the relative wealth of the states, i.e. their ability to pay.

The table below shows the contributions as a percentage of the total budget. This takes into account the special considerations given to the United Kingdom to reduce its contribution through a rebate.

Member State Total Contribution
in Euro
Total Contribution
as % of total EU budget
European Union European Union 105 259 468 772 100.00%
Flag of Germany Germany 22 218 438 941 21.11%
Flag of France France 17 303 107 859 16.44%
Flag of Italy Italy 14 359 479 157 13.64%
Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 13 739 900 046 13.05%
Flag of Spain Spain 8 957 286 488 8.51%
Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 5 552 933 781 5.28%
Flag of Belgium Belgium 4 035 286 807 3.83%
Flag of Sweden Sweden 2 832 862 800 2.69%
Flag of Austria Austria 2 308 432 030 2.19%
Flag of Denmark Denmark 2 130 860 212 2.02%
Flag of Poland Poland 2 099 087 114 1.99%
Flag of Greece Greece 1 882 611 879 1.79%
Flag of Finland Finland 1 544 832 284 1.47%
Flag of Portugal Portugal 1 443 049 602 1.37%
Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 1 341 281 313 1.27%
Flag of Hungary Hungary 1 003 119 411 0.95%
Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 932 392 859 0.89%
Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 393 148 777 0.37%
Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 299 993 572 0.29%
Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 241 439 011 0.23%
Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 221 997 405 0.21%
Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 144 556 416 0.14%
Flag of Latvia Latvia 115 205 431 0.11%
Flag of Estonia Estonia 100 756 308 0.10%
Flag of Malta Malta 57 409 269 0.05%

[edit] Proportion of non-EU nationals

In most EU cities, there is a proportion of its inhabitants which are not nationals of the European Union. Eurostat has compiled figures for this, which are listed below.

Top 10 Cities
Rank City Proportion
1 Tallinn, Estonia 27.8
2 Cayenne, French Guiana (France) 22.7
3 Athens, Greece 16.7
4 Frankfurt, Germany 16.3
5 Munich, Germany 16.2
6 Vienna, Austria 14.4
7 Augsburg, Germany 14.3
8 Cologne, Germany 14.0
9 Wiesbaden, Germany 13.9
10 Bonn, Germany 13.5
Bottom 10 Cities
Rank City Proportion
1 Konin, Poland 0.0
= Suwałki, Poland 0.0
= Żory, Poland 0.0
2 Kielce, Poland 0.1
= Poznań, Poland 0.1
= Toruń, Poland 0.1
= Lublin, Poland 0.1
= Gorzów Wielkopolski, Poland 0.1
= Gdańsk, Poland 0.1
= Katowice, Poland 0.1

[edit] Freedom and Governance-related Rankings

There are many indices available on issues such as corruption, development, and freedom.

[edit] Freedom of the Press

Member State Global
1 Flag of Finland Finland 1
= Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland =
= Flag of Netherlands Netherlands =
4 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 5
5 Flag of Estonia Estonia 6
6 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 8
7 Flag of Latvia Latvia 10
= Flag of Slovenia Slovenia =
= Flag of Portugal Portugal =
= Flag of Hungary Hungary =
11 Flag of Belgium Belgium 14
= Flag of Sweden Sweden =
13 Flag of Austria Austria 16
Member State Global
14 Flag of Denmark Denmark 19
15 Flag of Germany Germany 23
16 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 27
= Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom =
18 Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 30
19 Flag of Greece Greece 32
20 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 35
= Flag of France France 35
22 Flag of Italy Italy 40
23 Flag of Spain Spain 41
24 Flag of Poland Poland 58
= Flag of Romania Romania 58

Reporters sans frontières conducts an annual survey on the freedom of the press and produces scores (not shown here) for each country. In 2006 three countries, Finland, Ireland, and the Netherlands, all ranked as having the most free press with a score of 0.50, whilst Poland was ranked as having the least free press in the European Union, with a score of 14.00.

There is no data available for Luxembourg and Malta, and hence these are not included in the statistics.

[edit] Economic Freedom

Member State Global
1 Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 3
2 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 4
3 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom =5
4 Flag of Estonia Estonia 7
5 Flag of Denmark Denmark 8
6 Flag of Finland Finland =12
7 Flag of Cyprus Cyprus =16
7 Flag of Netherlands Netherlands =16
9 Flag of Austria Austria 18
10 Flag of Germany Germany =19
10 Flag of Sweden Sweden =19
12 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 21
13 Flag of Belgium Belgium 22
14 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 23
Member State Global
15 Flag of Malta Malta 24
16 Flag of Portugal Portugal =30
17 Flag of Spain Spain 33
18 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia =34
19 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 38
20 Flag of Latvia Latvia 39
21 Flag of Hungary Hungary 40
22 Flag of Poland Poland 41
23 Flag of Italy Italy 42
24 Flag of France France 44
25 Flag of Greece Greece 57
26 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 64
27 Flag of Romania Romania 92

An index of Economic Freedom is produced by the Wall Street Journal and the Heritage Foundation. It uses 50 different variables to compile the survey, in areas such as trade policy and government intervention. Luxembourg ranks as having the most economic freedom in the European Union, and is also placed third out of all nations surveyed.

A similar index produced by the World Economic Forum is its Global Competitiveness Index.

[edit] Perception of Corruption

Member State Global
1 Flag of Finland Finland =1
2 Flag of Denmark Denmark =4
3 Flag of Sweden Sweden 6
4 Flag of Netherlands Netherlands =9
5 Flag of Austria Austria =11
5 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg =11
5 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom =11
8 Flag of Germany Germany 16
9 Flag of France France =18
9 Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland =18
11 Flag of Belgium Belgium =20
12 Flag of Spain Spain 23
13 Flag of Estonia Estonia =24
14 Flag of Portugal Portugal =26
Member State Global
15 Flag of Malta Malta =28
15 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia =28
17 Flag of Cyprus Cyprus =37
18 Flag of Hungary Hungary 41
19 Flag of Italy Italy 45
20 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic =46
20 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania =46
22 Flag of Latvia Latvia =49
22 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia =49
24 Flag of Greece Greece 54
25 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria =57
26 Flag of Poland Poland =61
27 Flag of Romania Romania =84

Transparency International is an international NGO publishing an annual Global Corruption Report indicating the perception of corruption around the world. The rankings of the table refer to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2006.

[edit] Human Development

Member State Global
1 Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 4
2 Flag of Sweden Sweden 5
3 Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 10
4 Flag of Finland Finland 11
5 Flag of Luxembourg Luxembourg 12
6 Flag of Belgium Belgium 13
7 Flag of Austria Austria 14
8 Flag of Denmark Denmark 15
9 Flag of France France 16
10 Flag of Italy Italy 17
11 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 18
12 Flag of Spain Spain 19
13 Flag of Germany Germany 21
14 Flag of Greece Greece 24
Member State Global
15 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 27
16 Flag of Portugal Portugal 28
17 Flag of Cyprus Cyprus 29
18 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 30
19 Flag of Malta Malta 32
20 Flag of Hungary Hungary 35
21 Flag of Poland Poland 37
22 Flag of Estonia Estonia 40
23 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 41
24 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 42
25 Flag of Latvia Latvia 45
26 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 54
27 Flag of Romania Romania 60

The Human Development Index is a measure produced by the United Nations which covers three aspects of human development:

The rankings of the table refer to the UNDP Human Development Report 2006.

[edit] Income equality

Member State Global
1 Flag of Denmark Denmark 2
2 Flag of Sweden Sweden 4
3 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 5
4 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 6
5 Flag of Hungary Hungary 10
= Flag of Finland Finland 10
7 Flag of Germany Germany 14
8 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 15
9 Flag of Austria Austria 18
10 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 19
11 Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 25
12 Flag of Romania Romania 26
Member State Global
13 Flag of France France 32
14 Flag of Belgium Belgium 33
15 Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 40
= Flag of Greece Greece 40
17 Flag of Poland Poland 44
18 Flag of Spain Spain 47
19 Flag of Estonia Estonia 50
20 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 51
= Flag of Italy Italy 51
= Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 51
23 Flag of Latvia Latvia 57
24 Flag of Portugal Portugal 59

Income inequality, measured by the gini coefficient is how evenly incomes are distributed through the population. Denmark has the least income inequality with a gini coefficient score of 24.4, whilst Portugal has the most income inequality with a score of 38.5. Malta and Cyprus have no statistics available, and so are not included in this table. These statistics have been compiled by the United Nations (see [1])

[edit] Ease of doing business

Member State Global
1 Flag of United Kingdom United Kingdom 6
2 Flag of Denmark Denmark 7
3 Flag of Republic of Ireland Ireland 10
4 Flag of Sweden Sweden 13
5 Flag of Finland Finland 14
6 Flag of Lithuania Lithuania 16
7 Flag of Estonia Estonia 17
8 Flag of Belgium Belgium 20
9 Flag of Germany Germany 21
10 Flag of Netherlands Netherlands 22
11 Flag of Latvia Latvia 24
12 Flag of Austria Austria 30
Member State Global
13 Flag of France France 35
14 Flag of Slovakia Slovakia 36
15 Flag of Spain Spain 39
16 Flag of Portugal Portugal 40
17 Flag of Romania Romania 49
18 Flag of Czech Republic Czech Republic 52
19 Flag of Bulgaria Bulgaria 54
20 Flag of Slovenia Slovenia 61
21 Flag of Hungary Hungary 66
22 Flag of Poland Poland 75
23 Flag of Italy Italy 82
24 Flag of Greece Greece 109

The Ease of Doing Business Index is created by the World Bank and based on the study of laws and regulations, with the input and verification by more than 3,500 government officials, lawyers, business consultants, accountants and other professionals who routinely advise on or administer legal and regulatory requirements.

[edit] See also

[edit] Sources