European Greens–European Free Alliance

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Logo of the European Federation of Green Parties - EFA
Logo of the European Federation of Green Parties - EFA

The European Greens – European Free Alliance (The Greens - European Free Alliance; Greens - EFA; French: Le Groupe Verts - Alliance libre européenne; Les Verts - ALE, German Fraktion der Grünen/Freie Europäische Allianz) is one of the parliamentary groups in the European Parliament.

This group consists of two distinct European political parties - the European Green Party and the European Free Alliance. The EFA consists of parties representing what it describes as stateless nations. These parties are civic nationalists and regionalists, broadly of the centre and centre-left.

Before February 2004, the European Greens existed as a coalition known as the European Federation of Green Parties rather than a formal political party. Thus, the group was known as the EFGP-EFA.

[edit] Group members

Part of the Politics series on Green politics

Green movement

Worldwide green parties: Global Greens · Africa · Americas · Asia-Pacific · Europe


Four Pillars
Global Greens Charter: ecological wisdom
social justice
participatory democracy
respect diversity


List of Green issues

Politics Portal ·  v  d  e 

Country National Party European Party MEPs
Austria Die Grünen European Greens 2
Belgium Ecolo European Greens 1
Groen! European Greens 1
Denmark Socialistisk Folkeparti¹ Independent 1
Finland Vihreä Liitto European Greens 1
France Les Verts European Greens 6
Germany Bündnis 90/Die Grünen European Greens 13
Ireland Green Party/Comhaontas Glas European Greens 0
Italy Federazione dei Verdi European Greens 2
Latvia Par Cilvēka Tiesībām Vienotā Latvijā EFA 1
Luxembourg Déi Gréng European Greens 1
Netherlands GroenLinks European Greens 2
Europa Transparant Independent 2
Spain (Aragon): Chunta Aragonesista EFA 0
(Aragon): Partido Aragonés EFA 0
(Basque Country): Eusko Alkartasuna EFA 0
(Catalonia): Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds European Greens 1
(Catalonia): Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya EFA 1
(Galiza): Bloque Nacionalista Galego EFA 0
Los Verdes European Greens 1
Sweden Miljöpartiet de Gröna European Greens 1
United Kingdom (England and Wales): Green Party of England and Wales European Greens 2
(Cornwall): Mebyon Kernow EFA 0
(Scotland): Scottish Green Party European Greens 0
(Scotland): Scottish National Party EFA 2
(Wales): Plaid Cymru EFA 1

¹Observer status

[edit] External link

Pan-European political organisations
Flag of the European Union
Recognized by the EU as "political parties at European level":

European Democratic Party | EUDemocrats | European Free Alliance | European Green Party | Alliance of Independent Democrats in Europe | Party of the European Left | European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party | Alliance for Europe of the Nations | European People's Party | Party of European Socialists

Other pan-European confederations of national political parties:

European Anticapitalist Left | European Christian Political Movement | European Democrat Union | Euronat | European National Front | Nordic Green Left Alliance | Movement for European Reform

Dedicated European-level-only parties:

Europe — Democracy — Esperanto | Europe United | Newropeans

Groups in the European Parliament
Political groups in EP

EPP–ED (264) | PES (201) | ALDE (90) | Greens–EFA (42) | EUL–NGL (41) | UEN (34) | IND/DEM (28) | N/A (32)

Related articles: table of political parties in Europe by pancontinental organisation,
elections in the European Union, party composition of the council