Etiquette in Latin America

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As expectations regarding good manners differ from person to person and vary according to each situation, no treatise on the rules of etiquette nor any list of faux pas can ever be complete. As the perception of behaviors and actions vary, intercultural competence is essential. However, a lack of knowledge about the customs and expectations of people of Latin America can make even the best intentioned person seem rude, foolish, or worse.


[edit] Generalizations

There are several definitions of Latin America, but all of them define a huge expansive of geography with an incalculable amount of different customs, However, some generalizations can be made:

  • As every definition of Latin America connotes a shared cultural and linguistic legacy with roots in Spain and Portugal, many points of etiquette in Europe are applicable, especially those specific to those nations.
  • Compared to much of the English-speaking world, people from areas of Latin America may demonstrate more relaxed and casual behavior and be more comfortable with loud talk, exaggeratedly gestures and physical contact. [1]
  • In addition, many Latin American people have a smaller sense of personal space than people from English-speaking cultures. It may be rude to step away from someone when they are stepping closer. [1]
  • In addition to varying greatly from one individual to another and along various demographic lines, this tendency towards comparatively warm and relaxed behavior does not necessarily hold true among many communities of indigenous peoples, including those who have adopted Spanish or Portugese as their primary language.
  • At some finer restaurants, it may be considered rude for the staff to bring a customer the check without the customer first requesting it. [2]
  • It is considered impolite to "toss" objects to people instead of directly handing it to them. [3]
  • The American "come here" gesture of palm upwards with the fingers curled back is considered a romantic solicitation. [3]
  • Throughout Latin America, there are communities of people with strong ethnic and cultural ties to other parts of the world. One example is the 1.5 million strong Japanese Brazilian community for whom certain points of etiquette in Asia may be applicable. Some of these same points of etiquette would in apply in Chinatowns in Latin America. Argentina has large communities of German Argentines, Irish Argentineans, and so on.
  • In many instances, points of etiquette applicable to Latin America will also hold true with Latino people in the United States.

[edit] Specific regions

The following points of etiquette apply most specifically to a certain region:

[edit] Brazil

No matter which definition one uses for Latin America, it is assuredly a large and heterogeneous region with myriad expectations regarding etiquette.  In this picture, Afro-Brazilians demonstrate Capoeira.
No matter which definition one uses for Latin America, it is assuredly a large and heterogeneous region with myriad expectations regarding etiquette. In this picture, Afro-Brazilians demonstrate Capoeira.
  • in Brazil, a form of the American "okay" gesture is obscene when directed at someone, and connotes anal sex. However, the standard "okay" gesture is also used, as is the "thumbs up" gesture.[4]
  • The gesture of "flipping someone off" by hitting the wrist against the inside of the elbow (sometimes called "a banana" in Brazil) is considered playful and not very offensive (in some other parts of the world, this is more akin to "the finger"). [4]
  • Giving someone of the opposite sex a gift may be misinterpreted as a romantic overtures. [5]
  • In many cases, it is considered immasculine for a man to publically touch himself near the buttocks, even (for example) brush off sand when at the beach. [5]
  • When offering something, especially food, Brazilians will often repeat the offer several times and with increasing enthusiasm. Offering something only once can be rude. It is not impolite to refuse such offers, and in some cases they may be made just to be polite without really hoping a person will accept.
  • In some parts of the country, most notably rural areas, it is considered rude to walk up to a house or apartment door and knock. The appropriate action is to stand in the yard and clap one's hands. If no one comes to the door, then the visitor may approach the door, knock, and then step back away from the door and await a response This is especially applicable in regards to small, thin-walled cottages that offer less privacy than homes in North America.[4]

[edit] Chile

  • In Chile, good etiquette calls for wine to be poured with the right hand. [6]

[edit] Colombia

  • It is considered rude to open a gift in front of the giver.
  • Never leave immediately after dinner is finished; your hosts will expect you to stay a few more hours for drinks and/or coffee. By leaving right after you're done eating, you are giving the host an indirect message that the meal was terrible.
  • Avoid discussing the drug trade.
  • A "group wave" is an absolute no-no.
  • When entering a small shop, be sure to greet and say good-bye to the employee(s).
  • It is perfectly acceptable to drop by someone's house without calling.
  • Bull fighting is either loved or detested, depending on who you talk to. To be on the safe side, avoid discussing it.
  • When beckoning someone over, never crook your finger. Instead, face your palm down (towards the floor) and and bend your fingers towards you.

[edit] Dominican Republic

  • Dominicans can be very direct. They may give you nicknames or poke fun at your appearance, but this is not meant to be taken personally; that is simply their way of breaking the ice.
  • Avoid discussing Haitian immigration.

[edit] Ecuador

  • Visitors to Ecuador often marvel at the brightly-colored traditional attire. However, it is impolite to photograph someone before asking permission. Some people will ask for tip in exchange for this favor and to begrudge them this source of income is unkind. [6]
  • Beachwear should only be worn at the beach and not in towns. [6]

[edit] Mexico

In Chinatowns in Latin America, some points of etiquette in Asia may be applicable the Asian residents.  This Chinatown is in Mexico City.
In Chinatowns in Latin America, some points of etiquette in Asia may be applicable the Asian residents. This Chinatown is in Mexico City.
  • In Mexico, using one's professional status to help friends and relatives is widely regarded as a virtuous practice. To denounce this nepotism as a form or corruption can offend many people. [7]
  • The color purple is associated with funerals and should be avoided when giving flowers. [8]
  • The courtesy titles "Señora" and "Señorita" (Mrs. and Miss, respectively) are taken colloquially as "Married Woman" and "Virgin Woman". This follows Catholic prohibitions against sex outside of marriage. Hence, it is more polite to address even an elderly woman as "Señorita" if her marital status is unknown. To do otherwise oppugns her character.
  • When an invitation is issued (such as to do to dinner or to a bar), invitees typically assume that everything will be paid for.
  • Several kinds of food are eaten with the fingers (tacos, tortas, etc.) Eating them with a fork and knife is viewed as both snobbish and comical. In case of doubt, follow the lead of other diners.
  • Toasting with water (and, in to a lesser degree, any non-alcoholic drink) is regarded as bad luck.
  • Women expect doors to be opened for them by males. This also applies to lighting of cigarettes and helping them to their seat. None of these actions are construed as flirtatious
  • As in the USA, unless service is atrocious, tips should never be below 10% of the bill total as they are commonly a waiter's main means of income. 15% or more is most appropriate.

[edit] Nicaragua

  • In Nicaragua, exchanges of hospitality are important. Refusing a drink (especially on a hot day) or not praising the host on the quality of the meal is considered rude. [8]
  • Exchanging greetings is also very important. Seeing (even at a distance) someone one knows typically prompts approaching them to exchanging handshakes and kisses as appropriate. Waves and verbal salutations do not suffice. [8]

[edit] Puerto Rico

  • Remember that Puerto Rico is politically part of the United States and Puerto Rican people people frequently travel back and forth from the island to such cities as Boston and New York and have for generations. As such, most rules of etiquette in the United States are applicable here as well.
  • Among Puerto Ricans, conversations are usually very interactive and full of interruptions. Interruptions mean interest in the subject discussed; silence denotes disinterest rather than paying close attention. polite discomfort instead of attention. If you're taking to someone else and a third person joins you, you are expected to stop what you're saying and acknowledge the newcomer.
  • Watching television is a very social activity. Asking for quiet is typically both unreasonable and impolite.
  • People's hygiene habits are scrutinized, especially in the tropical climate of Puerto Rico itself. People are expected to take one or more baths or showers daily. Body odor, unshaven legs and underarms in women, bare feet, or wrinkled clothing are considered disgusting. Many men wear cologne.
  • Salsa, merengue and even reggaeton may seem like "sexy dancing", but there are unspoken rules. It is rude for a man to dance too close to a woman who is not his wife or girlfriend, even if others seem to be doing it.
  • It is considered vulgar and ostentatious to open gifts in public. Gifts are never opened in front of a group of people to avoid people comparing the merits of different gifts.
  • Women in Puerto Rico are very independent and many of them dislike to feel patronized or bound to traditional roles. While talking to a woman in informal situations avoid calling them "señorita" (miss) or "señora" (mrs), as they could interpret those titles as 'unexperienced'/'ignorant' or 'old'.

[edit] Venezuela

  • In Venezuela, it is often considered rude to point at a person or even an object with the index finger. People typically point with the whole hand or with a with a movement of the head and a puckering of the lips towards that which is being indicated.
  • In many situations, punctuality is less important than it is for people elsewhere. Showing up exactly on schedule for a party or gathering is undesirable.
  • Coffee or a cold drink is typically offered to guests. It is often polite to decline.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Erin Richards Cultural Etiquette September 19th, 2006
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b U.S. Institute of Languages Spanish Culture and nonverbal communication
  4. ^ a b c
  5. ^ a b
  6. ^ a b c South American Travel tips
  7. ^
  8. ^ a b c