Etienne Ossian Henry

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Etienne Ossian Henry (1798-1873) was a French chemist, son of Nöel Etienne Henry (1769-1832), born in Paris, and trained by his father, who was director of the Central Pharmacy of the Parisian hospitals and professor in the School of Pharmacy. In 1824 he became director of the chemical laboratory of the Academy of Medicine. He discovered sinapin and studied mineral waters, the milk of various animals, nicotine, and tannin. His works include:

  • Traité pratique d'analyse chimique des caux minérales (second edition, 1858), with his father
  • Mémoire sur l'analyse organique (1830), with Plisson
  • Analyse chimique des cau de Paris (1848), with Boutron-Gharland
  • A translation of the Codex Medicamentarius (1827), with Ratier