Talk:ETA Relations
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Relations PNV-ETA talks about the numerous contacts, several meetings and two pacts subscribed by both, facts public or recognized by some of the parts.
- The first contact PNV ETA after the company/signature of the pact of Ajuria Enea: Representatives of ETA entrevistan with Xabier Arzallus at the request of this I complete, the 26 of March of 1991. During the interview I am made a report detailed on the part of one of the interlocutors: Martin Garitano, editor head of Egin and a posteriori of Gara. This Document was confiscated in the Ten address of Usabiaga in May of 1993 in the course of a judicial registry.
- Interwios and conversations before 1998 July.
- Pact of the 98 which] signed the 30 of [[July] of 1998 the terrorist organization ETA and political parties PNV and Eusko Alkartasuna to obtain cease-fire of four months of duration. A month in the announcement of a truce culminated later.
- Pact of the 99 an agreement based on the previous one that proposed ETA in July of 1998 to those two political parties and that was not accepted at these last ones.
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The 13 of May of 1993 the Civil Guard registers the house of the Secretary General of union LAB Ten Rafael Usabiaga: San Sebastián, stroll Bera Bera, block I number 21, 1º D. and among others, is a typed act of the meeting between Xavier Arzallus and the terrorist cupola celebrated in 1991.[1] This detailed report was made on the part of one of the interlocutors: Martin Garitano, editor head of Egin and a posteriori of Gara. The original document was written in Euskera. [2] The report begins with a introdución, describing that the hard meeting two hours, approaches the treated subjects, and some commentaries. One of the showy and transcendental points but is the following one. Xabier Arzallus. <<Europa this interested in that for the 93 that is on the way to solution… We have a plan designed already, and we have put him dates. The sovereignty of Euskadi Lituania style, to proclaim between the 98 and 2002.>> [3]
The pre-agreed contacts and between both parts have been presented sometimes by their own participants, Joseba Eguibar responds to a journalist on the truce: <<Llevo years looking for it. From the railcar of Leizarán>> but is not known I number and the subjects boarded. ] Exists certainty in a preliminary agreement maintained between [[Josu Jon Imaz] in the 98 europarlamentario , nowadays present President of PNV, with the maximum political person in charge of ETA in January of 1998, Mikel Albisu, Mikel Antza and another member more of the terrorist organization. On the part of EA, Carlos Garaikoetxea, Rafael Larreina, and Koldo Amezketa, maintained separated encounter with the own Mikel Antza and his lugartenientes.[4] At the same time both parties maintain numerous meetings with HB at upper the level, whose content is supervised personally by Mikel Antza. Some of these meetings take place in the seat of HB in Vitoria, and are detected by old CESID nowadays (CNI), that occupies a floor in he himself building. This terminal of the CESID contributes to numerous information on the relations of ETA/KAS and their relations between the political forces. According to the official version listening are discovered fortuitously by a worker of Telephone who works in the seat of HB. Other confirmed hypotheses do not aim at that PNV beforehand knew its existence through the Ertzaintza and decided to filter the data to HB, blinding the eyes to him to the government in the final straight line of their conversations, before the materialization in the final agreement. The agents of CESID who were at the moment of the event in the floor leave it immediately, leaving compromising information for the intelligence service, that abandonment reason that leaves from the infrastructure of the CESID in Vasco Country was in the open. What previously reason putsches to the desperate one for its recovery, like asking for to Civil Guard in quality of Judicial Police, that allows them to break the seals and to rob value documents, or to burn the floor to destroy them. The requests are not listened to, the names of the agents are published in some newspapers. Occurring next to a confrontation between Interior and CESID. With the consequence of which in the following months as of April, the government did not receive a vital information.
[edit] 99 PACTS OF 98 AND
Prior to the meeting maintained by the Government and ETA. [5] gave other conversations between PNV, EA and ETA. In these conversations pact to foment a joint independentista project between the nationalistic parties and a suspension of the criminal activities of ETA, that would start again a year later, preventing the continuity of the pacts between nationalistic parties and ETA. === Preceding and new political scene === During the Nineties new measures in the antiterrorist fight were adopted acquired by the experience, persecuted the logistics, their financial resources and sucia.Cite error 3; Invalid <ref>
tag; invalid names, e.g. too many the effect of these measures along with avance of the liberties and the rights guaranteed with the democracy, DES legitimized to ETA ideologically and reduced progressively their operational capacity. In order to continue maintaining the pressure and its influence in the Basque society, ETA began to fix objectives significant, modifying their strategy after the beginning of second half of década of 1990. The resources available would have to generate a great influence, since then ETA beginning an intense offensive against constitutionalist politicians. 10 of July of 1997 ETA kidnapped and assassinated to the young councilman of the Popular Party Miguel White Angel. Part of the declaration of Ibón Muñoa to the national police, ratified before the National Hearing: In September of 1997, two months after the kidnapping 10/12-7-97 and murder, Ibón Muñoa, returns to hide to the commando and speaks with Irantzu Gallastegui. <<- That that you have done is an error >> Moñua recriminates to Gallastegui on the murder of Miguel White Angel.
<<- Of error, nothing. What happens is that the consequences of this ekintza will take more of a year in seeing >> This ruthless and cruel murder, I by ricochet cause a multitudinal well-known citizen reaction like spirit of Ermua of the society towards the terrorism and the nationalism radicalCite error 3; Invalid <ref>
tag; invalid names, e.g. too many. Marking before and later in the Basque policy.
[edit] the pact of 98
This new situation caused that the positions of the nationalistic parties gave a turn to confront the new scene. PNV-EA to continue maintaining its space, acercarón electoral positions with ezkerra abertzale [left patriotic]. Agreeing to with ETA the commitment to create a unique and sovereign institution for Euskal Herria, breaking any relation with PSOEand PP Party. While, ETA gave beginning to a general and indefinite interruption of their terrorist actions. [1]
[edit] Objective
The objectives of the signers of the pact varied. As well as to the PNV it harmed the violence to him, to ETA it interested the radicalization to him of the PNV, and to rearm during the truce, both compartian intencón to isolate to the constitutionalist block. The negotiations failed after requesting ETA the materialization of the fixed objectives, by means of the celebration of elections in Euskal Herria that chose new parliament in charge to write up new constitution.
[edit] Blocking and threats by members of the CESID
After the materialization of the truce, some secret agents destined in the Basque Country made diverse calls to members of KAS, arriving themselves to spill threats and intimidations, to a sector that underwent the dirty fight and to the GAL, occurring cases of official denunciations. Jose Maria Aznar I describe these actions como<<clara interference >> in the process as negotiation with ETA. They were repressed and paralyzed by the Government.
[edit] Pact of 1999
==== Consequences ====
- Creación compares 12 of September of 1998 of acuerdos de Estella or Lizarra, for the public naturalization of the pact and to cause the success of this one. [2]
- La emission of alegales Basque membership cards of identity that tried to be the only ones admitted to vote to the new sovereign Parliament of Euskal Herria. Emitted in the city councils governed by Herri Batasuna and in some of EA and PNV. Still they are emitted and they are used.
- La rupture of all the pacts of government PNV-PSE after the municipal elections of May of 1999. PNV and EA agreed to abertzales municipal teams of government with Herri Batasuna, as well as in the provincial parliaments (Together Generals).
- Tras the failure of the negotiations, the pacts until then secrets became public, 28 of November of 1999 in the newspaper Gara. That same day, ETA declared the aim of the cease-fire for 3 of December of 1999. Until 21 of January of 2000 ETA did not return to assassinate. There was no sentence on the part of Herri Batasuna, which produced the extinction of the collaboration caused by Acuerdo de Lizarra-Garazi.
- La expulsion of the PNV of the Christian Democratic International.
- El fortification of ETA after the rearmament during the truce. In year 2000 18 people were assassinated, whereas in 1998 only 6. {| width= " 33% " class= " noprint toccolours " style= " to clear: right; font-size: 90%; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; float: right; “ | | In Wikisource is the text of this historical document: Declaración of the PNV after the aim of the truce. |}
[edit] Recognition
PNV and EA recognized the meetings, but not totally the agreements.
[edit] Referencias
- ^ ETA the sacking of Euskadi, page 668
- ^ the tree and the nuts, page 65
- ^ the text partially done I publish, was published the 16 of March of 1998 in the ABC and the book the tree and the nuts 2000
- ^ Source: The tree and the nuts, page 19
- ^ 15-5-99 whereas the nationalistic parties mantenian them from 1991
[edit] Bibliografía
The sources and references of the following one I articulate have been extracted, of “ETA the sacking of Euskadi”: Jose Diaz Herrera and Isabel Durán, “the tree and the nuts” Carmen Gurruchaga and isabel S.Sebastian.
[edit] external Enlaces
News article on the truce of 1998
Basque Documents of interest