Esmeraldas Province

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Map of Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador.
Map of Esmeraldas Province in Ecuador.

Esmeraldas is a province in northwestern Ecuador. The capital is Esmeraldas.

The province is divided into 7 cantons:

Canton (Capital)

  1. Atacames (Atacames)
  2. Eloy Alfaro (Valdez)
  3. Esmeraldas (Esmeraldas)
  4. Muisne (Muisne)
  5. Quinindé (Rosa Zárate)
  6. Río Verde (Rioverde)
  7. San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo)

The province is home to the Afro-Ecuadorian culture.

Provinces of Ecuador Flag of Ecuador
Azuay | Bolívar | Cañar | Carchi | Chimborazo | Cotopaxi | Esmeraldas | Galápagos | Guayas | Imbabura | Loja | Los Ríos | Manabí | Morona-Santiago | Napo | Orellana | El Oro | Pastaza | Pichincha | Sucumbíos | Tungurahua | Zamora-Chinchipe