Ernie Fletcher

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Ernie Fletcher
Ernie Fletcher

Assumed office 
December, 2003
Lieutenant(s) Steve Pence
Preceded by Paul E. Patton
Succeeded by Incumbent

Born November 12, 1952
Mount Sterling, Kentucky
Political party Republican
Spouse Glenna Foster
Profession Physician
Religion Baptist

Ernest Lee (Ernie) Fletcher (born November 12, 1952) has served as governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky since 2003. He is a member of the Republican Party.


[edit] Biography

Fletcher was born in Mount Sterling, Kentucky. He received his B.Sc. degree from the University of Kentucky College of Engineering in 1974, where he was a member of Delta Tau Delta social fraternity. Fletcher is married to his high school sweetheart, the former Glenna Foster. They have two children and four grandchildren.

After college, Fletcher served as a fighter pilot in the United States Air Force.

After his service in the Air Force, Fletcher graduated from the University of Kentucky College of Medicine with an MD. He then practiced as a family physician for twelve years. He has also served as a Baptist lay minister.

In 1994, Fletcher was elected to the Kentucky House of Representatives for the 78th District. He served one term, until legislative redistricting forced him and another Republican, State Representative Stan Cave, into the same district. He then ran for Kentucky's 6th District seat in the United States House of Representatives. He was badly defeated in November 1996 by incumbent Democrat Scotty Baesler, but ran again in 1998, beating Democratic State Senator Ernesto Scorsone. In 2000, he faced Baesler again, and this time Fletcher won by an 18-point margin. He was reelected in 2002 without major-party opposition.

Throughout the month of February, 2006, Fletcher was hospitalized for gallstones and complications from the removal of his gallbladder, including pacreatitis. He was readmitted on March 9th, 2006 for what his doctors called a "life-threatening blood-clot". The condition was serious enough that he transferred power to Lt. Governor Steve Pence before undergoing a procedure to dissolve the clot.[1]

[edit] Candidacy and governorship

Governor Fletcher at a college ceremony.
Governor Fletcher at a college ceremony.

Fletcher became Governor of Kentucky in December 2003 after defeating Democrat Ben Chandler 55%-45% in the election in November. As Governor, he is a member of the National Governors Association, the Southern Governors' Association, and the Republican Governors Association.

As Governor, Fletcher reorganized parts of state government, condensing the number of cabinets from 14 to nine, and dissolved the former Kentucky Horse Racing Commission and created the new Kentucky Horse Racing Authority, which promotes and regulates Kentucky's signature industry. He has rolled back Medicaid requirements and unveiled a plan to "modernize" Medicaid and focus on improvements in care, benefit management and technology. Governor Fletcher unveiled "Get Healthy Kentucky!," an initiative to promote healthier lifestyles for Kentuckians. He has also generously supported statewide community colleges during his tenure, including Gateway Community and Technical College in Boone and Kenton counties.

On June 9, 2004, while en route to memorial services for former president Ronald Reagan, the governor's plane inadvertently caused a security scare and was nearly shot down by the U.S. Air Force. It caused the Capitol to be evacuated, because the plane's transponder failed while in restricted airspace. The security scare happened just moments before the plane with Reagan's body touched down at Andrews Air Force Base.

Fletcher had low approval ratings for much of his first year in office. Most controversy focused on increasing costs of health insurance for state employees.

However, during his second year in office, Fletcher achieved the passage of a comprehensive tax reform package. The passage of tax reform was one of Fletcher's key campaign pledges. By March 2005, Fletcher's approval rating reached 52%, according to a Louisville Courier-Journal poll; a Survey USA poll around the same time found his approval rating below 40% and lower than that of every other governor in the nation at the time save for two.

After Fletcher issued pardons to members of his administration for violations of state merit system laws in mid-2005 (see next section), polls indicated his approval rating had decreased even more. Fewer than 20% of respondents said that they planned to vote to re-elect Fletcher in 2007, and 73% disapproved of the pardons Fletcher issued for members of his administration. A Courier-Journal poll released in mid-September found Fletcher's approval rating at 38%, tying the low rating previously reached by his predecessor Paul E. Patton.[2] Another poll released by SurveyUSA in February 2006 found his approval rating at 35%, with 57% disapproving. By March 2006 his approval fell to 33% according to SurveyUSA, and his disapproval rose to 61%.[3]

Despite the ongoing merit system investigation and his low approval ratings, Fletcher has stated that he will seek re-election in the Kentucky gubernatorial election, 2007. However, on May 31, 2006 Fletcher's lieutenant governor, Steve Pence, announced that he would not run for re-election on the same slate with Fletcher in 2007.

[edit] Merit system investigation

In May 2005, state Democratic Attorney General, Greg Stumbo, began an investigation of the Fletcher administration's practices within the state merit system in hiring, promoting, demoting and firing state employees based on political loyalties. The investigation was based on a 276-page complaint filed by Douglas W. Doerting, the assistant personnel director for the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet. Stumbo's motivations have been questioned because of his potential interest in challenging Fletcher in the 2007 gubernatorial race. Fletcher and his defenders also claim that the investigation is politically motivated because, they claim, previous administrations engaged in similar conduct.

In June, a circuit court judge unsealed a so-called "hit list" of employees appointed during previous administrations whose politically appointed positions were examined. [4]

On June 14, 2005, a special grand jury that was impaneled by the Attorney General in Franklin County handed down indictments of three Transportation Cabinet officials: Acting Transportation Secretary Bill Nighbert, Deputy Secretary Jim Adams and administrative services commissioner Dan Druen. [5] On July 7, 2005, more indictments were handed down including Fletcher's deputy chief of staff. [6] On July 11, 2005, the grand jury struck closer to the Governor's mansion as three more indictments were handed down: against state Republican Party chairman Darrell Brock Jr., who was also the former commissioner of the Governor's Office for Local Development; Basil Turbyfill, the Governor's personnel adviser, and deputy personnel secretary; and Bob Wilson, deputy personnel secretary.

On August 29, 2005, Fletcher announced he had granted blanket criminal pardons to nine administration officials, including deputy chief of staff Richard Murgatroyd, who were or might have been indicted by the grand jury in this case (he did not pardon himself). On August 30, Fletcher invoked his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination before the grand jury and refused to testify.

On September 14, 2005, Fletcher fired[7] nine employees, including four of the nine he pardoned two weeks earlier.[8] Fletcher called for the firing of state Republican Party chair Darrell Brock, Jr. due to Brock's role in the merit scandal. On September 17 GOP leaders voted to retain Brock as state party leader.

On October 24, 2005, Fletcher filed a motion asking Franklin Circuit Court Judge William Graham to order the grand jury to stop issuing indictments for offenses that occurred prior to Fletcher’s August 29 blanket pardon and to bar it from writing a final report on its findings. On November 16, Judge Graham denied Fletcher’s motion. The Kentucky Court of Appeals affirmed Graham. On May 18, 2006 the Kentucky Supreme Court reversed the lower court decision in a 4-2 decision holding that the grand jury investigating state hiring practices by the Fletcher administration could not issue any more indictments for offenses covered by Fletcher's blanket pardon for offenses related to the hiring investigation. The court also rejected the attorney general's challenge to Fletcher's authority to issue such a blanket pardon. Fletcher's indictment and the indictments of two officials for offenses allegedly to have occurred after the pardons were not affected. The Court as constituted for that decision included a justice appointed by Fletcher as directed by the state constitution in instances in which more than one justice is recused. The court also ruled that the grand jury could issue a general report of its findings from the yearlong investigation; a later Court of Appeals decision held that any such grand jury report could not name pardoned individuals.

On May 18, 2006 the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled in a 4-2 decision that the grand jury investigating state hiring practices by the Fletcher administration could not issue any more indictments for offenses covered by Fletcher's blanket pardon for offenses related to the hiring investigation. The court also rejected the attorney general's challenge to Fletcher's authority to issue such a blanket pardon. Fletcher's indictment and the indictments of two officials for offenses allegedly to have occurred after the pardons were not affected. The court also ruled that the grand jury could issue a general report of its findings from the yearlong investigation, although whether or not the report could name officials covered by Fletcher's pardons remained unanswered by the court's ruling.

On July 15, 2006, Judge David E. Melcher dismissed the indictment against Transportation Secretary Bill Nighbert, ruling that part of the alleged offense was covered by Fletcher's blanket pardon. The judge left open the option for prosecutors to seek a new indictment against Nighbert focusing solely on conduct not covered by the pardon.[9]

[edit] Indictment of Fletcher

On May 11, 2006, Fletcher was indicted by a grand jury for three misdemeanors; conspiracy, official misconduct and political discrimination. All were related to the merit system investigation. The grand jury has returned a total of 29 indictments in the case - 14 of which remain sealed by the court. [10]

The charge of conspiracy states Fletcher "ordered, directed and otherwise approved the development and implementation" of what became known as the governor's personnel initiative. In the second indictment for official misconduct, Fletcher is accused along with other "co-conspirators" of ordering or approving "the appointment, promotion, demotion, transfer or dismissal" of rank-and-file state workers who are supposed to be judged on their qualifications, not political affiliations. The third count charges Fletcher with violating the prohibition against political discrimination because he "willfully ordered, directed or approved" the firing of Michael Duncan, an investigator in the Transportation Cabinet's Office of Inspector General. [11] Fletcher's personal attorney, R. Kent Westberry of Louisville, responded to the indictment by filing a motion in Franklin Circuit Court to have Greg Stumbo, his investigators and the prosecutors removed from the case. The filing claims that Stumbo, a political rival considering running for governor next year, should be disqualified from the proceedings. Responding to filing Fletcher said, "I think there is substantial conflict of interest there." In August 2006 Stumbo, in conjunction with an appearance at the annual Fancy Farm picnic, stated that he was contemplating a campaign for governor in 2007, but by this time Stumbo himself had been removed from participation in the prosecution of Fletcher. Fletcher himself indicated that he has no plans to step down from office. [12]

Fletcher was arraigned on June 7, 2006 in Franklin District Court in Frankfort. Fletcher, who did not appear in court as he was on vacation in Florida, pleaded not guilty to the charges.

[edit] Executive immunity while in office

On August 11, 2006, Special Judge David E. Melcher ruled Fletcher is protected by executive immunity and cannot be prosecuted while in office. This ruling "essentially stayed the case until Fletcher's term expires, or unless he is removed through impeachment by the Legislature." [13]

[edit] Dismissal of criminal charges

On August 24, 2006, an agreement was reached between Fletcher and Attorney General Greg Stumbo. The agreement resulted in an agreed order dismissing the criminal charges against Fletcher. According to that agreed order, "The governor acknowledges that the evidence strongly indicates wrongdoing by his administration with regard to personnel actions within the merit system. Further, the governor hereby states that these actions were inappropriate and that he regrets their occurrence and accepts responsibility for them as head of the executive branch of state government." Fletcher also acknowledged that Stumbo’s investigation and prosecution were "necessary and proper exercises of his constitutional duty." The Office of the Attorney General, in turn, "recognizes and acknowledges that any action taken by the current administration with regard to the state’s classified system were without malice." The agreement encourages former or current state employees who think they were affected by improper hirings to seek redress through the state Personnel Board. The deal calls for four members of the board who were appointed by Fletcher to resign immediately. The order allows Stumbo to recommend three names for each vacancy and requires Fletcher to choose the new Personnel Board members from those names submitted by Stumbo. Shortly after the agreement was reached and entered, Fletcher claimed he was exonerated, and Stumbo maintained that claim to be untrue. Stumbo was quoted at the Kentucky State Fair as saying it was "highly, highly unlikely that the governor would ever stand trial," indicating that he believed Fletcher would have pardoned himself before leaving office, a charge Fletcher has denied. While Stumbo acknowledged that the abuses of the merit system may have "stretched back before the Fletcher administration," he said he hopes the ultimate effect of this investigation will be a new respect for the existing state employee regulations. Stumbo also stated that the agreement dismissing the charges would not influence a grand jury report of its investigation of hiring practices in the Fletcher administration.[14][15][16]

[edit] Grand jury report

On November 16, 2006, the grand jury investigating the Fletcher administration's practices within the state merit system released its report. According to the grand jury, "The report details a widespread and coordinated plan to violate merit hiring laws. This investigation was not about a few people here and therre who made some mistakes as Governor Ernie Fletcher has claimed. The Governor's Personnel Initiative was formulated at the highest level of state government and approved by Governor Fletcher." The report continues by stating, "Entire cabinets and departments were tasked with carrying out various parts of this illegal plan. Senior administration officials were charged with the duty to give periodic reports regarding its status. Those who got in the way of the plan were fired or moved. The long range goal was to implement this plan in all of the Executive Cabinets, and the groundwork had been laid for that to happen." Fletcher responded to the report by stating, "Given that the prosecutors have dropped all charges, the document reads more like a savvy litany of political sound bites rather than a legal document of purported evidence." Fletcher added that the grand jury report's allegations are inconsistent with the August settlement between Fletcher and Stumbo that dismissed the three misdemeanor charges against the governor. In the settlement, Stumbo acknowledged that Fletcher's administration acted "without malice." The grand jury report concluded by acknowledging that the blanket pardon issued by Fletcher, coupled with Fletcher taking the Fifth, made it "difficult to get to the bottom of the facts of this case....As a result, [the grand jury was] in part forced to rely on documentary evidence to piece together the facts of the case." [17] Attorney General Greg Stumbo had previously stated that the public would probably never know the full details of Fletcher's involvement in meetings that prosecutors said were crucial in developing a patronage scheme.[18]

[edit] Possible Justice Department referral

On November 28, 2006, the Lexington Herald-Leader reported that Attorney General Greg Stumbo was considering referring information uncovered during the grand jury's investigation of hiring practices to the U.S. Department of Justice.[19]

[edit] Views on teaching intelligent design and scientific creationism

In 2005 members of the Kentucky Academy of Science voted unanimously to oppose any attempt by legislative bodies to mandate specific content of science courses, and specifically to attempts to equate scientific creationism or intelligent design as scientific theories equal, or superior to, evolution.[20]

In response, in a February 13, 2006 letter to the Kentucky Academy of Science, Fletcher, an outspoken intelligent design advocate[21][22], argues that evolution conflicts with the Declaration of Independence:

"My educational background provided me with thorough understanding of science and the theory of evolution. Our nation, however, was founded on self-evident truths. Among these truths are inalienable rights 'endowed by their Creator.' From my perspective, it is not a matter of faith, or religion, or theory. It is similar to basic self-evident objective truths that are the basis of knowledge. For example, 2 + 2 = 4. It disappoints and astounds me that the so-called intellectual elite are so concerned about accepting self-evident truths that nearly 90% of the population understands."[23]

[edit] Executive orders

In April 2006, Fletcher signed an executive order removing language from the state's affirmative action plan specifically protecting state workers based on their sexual orientation and gender identity. Fletcher handed down his executive order on Kentucky's ninth annual "Diversity Day," reversing an order signed by former Gov. Paul Patton two years earlier that protected state employees from bias including their sexual orientations or gender identities. [24]

[edit] University of the Cumberlands pharmacy school

The Kentucky Fairness Alliance and the Kentucky Equality Association asked Governor Ernie Fletcher to veto $11 million that state lawmakers approved for a planned pharmacy school at the University of the Cumberlands.[25] The Kentucky state budget, passed by the 2006 Kentucky legislature, includes $10 million of state debt to construct a pharmacy building on the school's Whitley County campus. Additionally, one million dollars for scholarships for the pharmacy program are included. The $10 million building is to be funded out of a $100 million pool of money titled the "infrastructure for economic development fund for coal-producing counties." Money to repay the bond issuance would come from coal severance taxes. On April 21, 2006, Brett Hall, the governor's director of communications reported that "Fletcher's office has received 421 calls and e-mails urging him to veto, compared to 115 who want it kept in the state budget."[26]

On April 24, 2006 Governor Fletcher made a special television address announcing his budget cuts which did not include the University of the Cumberlands. In response, members of the Kentucky Equality Association protested outside the Governor’s Mansion on May 06, 2006 during the Governor’s Annual Derby Breakfast Celebration.

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Gov. Fletcher in hospital with blood clot", United Press International, March 10, 2006.
  2. ^ Loftus, Tom. "Fletcher's approval rating sinks to 38%", The Courier-Journal, September 17, 2005.
  3. ^ SurveyUSA. APPROVAL RATINGS FOR ALL 50 GOVERNORS AS OF 03/21/06. Retrieved on 2006-05-11.
  4. ^ Chellgren, Mark R.. "'Hit list' appears to target Democrats. State workers identified by family ties, contributions to candidates", The Cincinnati Enquirer, Last Updated: June 28, 2005.
  5. ^ Loftus, Tom and Pitsch, Mark, and Yetter, Deborah. "3 transportation officials indicted. Misdemeanors alleged in state worker's firing", The Courier-Journal, June 15, 2005.
  6. ^ WorldNow, WKYT, and WYMT. Governor's deputy chief of staff among those indicted in hiring probe. Retrieved on 05/11/2006.
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^ Loftus, Tom. "Term extension sought for grand jury that indicted Fletcher", Louisville Courier-Journal, May 17, 2006.
  11. ^ Alessi, Ryan. "Grand jury indicts Gov. Ernie Fletcher", Lexington Herald-Leader, May. 11, 2006.
  12. ^ Alessi, Ryan and Jack Brammer. "FLETCHER INDICTED Three counts allege misconduct, conspiracy, political discrimination", Lexington Herald-Leader, May. 12, 2006.
  13. ^ "Judge rules Ky. gov. can't be prosecuted", Associated Press, August 11, 2006.
  14. ^ Alessi, Ryan and Jack Brammer. "Deal drops charges against Fletcher", Lexington Herald-Leader, August 24, 2006.
  15. ^ Tom Loftus and Deborah Yetter. "Fletcher charges dropped, but bickering continues", The Courier-Journal, August 25, 2006.
  16. ^ John Whitlock. "Fletcher investigation ends", Grayson County News-Gazette.
  17. ^ Jack Brammer And John Stamper. "Grand jury blasts Fletcher", Lexington Herald-Leader, Nov. 16, 2006.
  18. ^ Elisabeth J. Beardsley. "Stumbo isn't sure he saw all evidence", The Courier-Journal, August 26, 2006.
  19. ^ John Stamper. "Stumbo may send jury's findings to D.C.", Lexington Herald-Leader, Nov. 28, 2006.
  20. ^
  21. ^
  22. ^
  23. ^
  24. ^ Biesk, Joe. "Fletcher removes language protecting gays from bias", The Kentucky Post, 04-12-2006.
  25. ^ Kentucky Fairness Alliance asks Fletcher to veto.
  26. ^ Callers urge Fletcher to veto Cumberlands pharmacy plan

[edit] External links

Preceded by:
Scotty Baesler
United States Representative for the 6th Congressional Delegation of Kentucky
Succeeded by:
Ben Chandler
Preceded by:
Paul E. Patton
Governor of Kentucky
2003 – present
Preceded by:
Peppy Martin
Republican nominee for Governor of Kentucky
Succeeded by:
2007 nominee

Current governors of states and territories of the United States

AL: Bob Riley
AK: Sarah Palin
AZ: Janet Napolitano
AR: Mike Huckabee
CA: Arnold Schwarzenegger
CO: Bill Owens
CT: Jodi Rell
DE: Ruth Ann Minner
FL: Jeb Bush
GA: Sonny Perdue
HI: Linda Lingle
ID: Jim Risch

IL: Rod Blagojevich
IN: Mitch Daniels
IA: Tom Vilsack
KS: Kathleen Sebelius
KY: Ernie Fletcher
LA: Kathleen Blanco
ME: John Baldacci
MD: Robert Ehrlich
MA: Mitt Romney
MI: Jennifer Granholm
MN: Tim Pawlenty
MS: Haley Barbour

MO: Matt Blunt
MT: Brian Schweitzer
NE: Dave Heineman
NV: Kenny Guinn
NH: John Lynch
NJ: Jon Corzine
NM: Bill Richardson
NY: George Pataki
NC: Mike Easley
ND: John Hoeven
OH: Bob Taft
OK: Brad Henry

OR: Ted Kulongoski
PA: Ed Rendell
RI: Donald Carcieri
SC: Mark Sanford
SD: Mike Rounds
TN: Phil Bredesen
TX: Rick Perry
UT: Jon Huntsman
VT: Jim Douglas
VA: Tim Kaine
WA: Christine Gregoire
WV: Joe Manchin

WI: Jim Doyle
WY: Dave Freudenthal

AS: Togiola Tulafono
DC: Anthony A. Williams (Mayor)
GU: Felix Camacho
MP: Benigno Fitial
PR: Aníbal Acevedo Vilá
VI: Charles Turnbull

Flag of Kentucky

Commonwealth of Kentucky

Capital Frankfort

The Bluegrass | Central Kentucky | Cincinnati metropolitan area | Cumberland Plateau | Eastern Mountain Coal Fields | The Knobs | Louisville metropolitan area | Northern Kentucky | Pennyroyal Plateau | The Purchase | Western Coal Fields

Major cities

Ashland | Bowling Green | Covington | Danville | Elizabethtown | Erlanger | Florence | Fort Thomas | Frankfort | Georgetown | Glasgow | Henderson | Hopkinsville | Independence | Jeffersontown | Lexington | Louisville | Madisonville | Murray | Newport | Nicholasville | Owensboro | Paducah | Radcliff | Richmond | Shively | St. Matthews | Winchester |


Adair | Allen | Anderson | Ballard | Barren | Bath | Bell | Boone | Bourbon | Boyd | Boyle | Bracken | Breathitt | Breckinridge | Bullitt | Butler | Caldwell | Calloway | Campbell | Carlisle | Carroll | Carter | Casey | Christian | Clark | Clay | Clinton | Crittenden | Cumberland | Daviess | Edmonson | Elliott | Estill | Fayette | Fleming | Floyd | Franklin | Fulton | Gallatin | Garrard | Grant | Graves | Grayson | Green | Greenup | Hancock | Hardin | Harlan | Harrison | Hart | Henderson | Henry | Hickman | Hopkins | Jackson | Jefferson | Jessamine | Johnson | Kenton | Knott | Knox | LaRue | Laurel | Lawrence | Lee | Leslie | Letcher | Lewis | Lincoln | Livingston | Logan | Lyon | Madison | Magoffin | Marion | Marshall | Martin | Mason | McCracken | McCreary | McLean | Meade | Menifee | Mercer | Metcalfe | Monroe | Montgomery | Morgan | Muhlenberg | Nelson | Nicholas | Ohio | Oldham | Owen | Owsley | Pendleton | Perry | Pike | Powell | Pulaski | Robertson | Rockcastle | Rowan | Russell | Scott | Shelby | Simpson | Spencer | Taylor | Todd | Trigg | Trimble | Union | Warren | Washington | Wayne | Webster | Whitley | Wolfe | Woodford

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