Erna Solberg

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Erna Solberg
Erna Solberg

Erna Solberg (born February 2, 1961) is a Norwegian politician, the current leader of the Conservative Party, and former Minister of Local Government and Regional Development.

She was born in Bergen, and obtained an undergraduate degree (cand. mag) in sociology, political science, statistics and economics (cand.mag.) at the University of Bergen in 1986.

She was Deputy Member (1979-1983) and Member (1983-1991) of the City Council of Bergen and served as Local and Regional Leader of the Conservative Youth Organization (Unge Høyre).

Since 1989, Mrs. Solberg is a Member of the Norwegian Parliament.

Mrs. Solberg was Leader of the Conservative Women Association from 1994 to 1998.

Erna Solberg became Secretary of State for Local and Regional Affairs in 2001. Her tough policies in this department have earned her the nickname "Iron Erna" (in Norwegian: "Jern-Erna").

She served as Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party 2002-2004 and became Party Leader in 2004.

Her ministry has used an article in Wikipedia as a source of evidence in the ongoing court case against Mullah Krekar.

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