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For the plant genus, see Erinna (genus)

Erinna was a Greek poet, a contemporary and friend of Sappho, a native of Rhodes or the adjacent island of Telos or even possibly Tenos, who flourished about 600 BC (according to Eusebius of Myndus, she lived circa 350 BC). Of her best-known poem, the Distaff (Greek Ἠλᾰκάτη) written in a mixture of Aeolic and Doric, which contained 300 hexameter lines, only four lines of which were extant until 1928. Three epigrams ascribed to her in the Palatine anthology probably belong to a later date.

In 1928, a papyrus (PSI 1090) was found that contained 54 fragmentary lines by the poet, The Tortoise and the Mirror.

Camillo Neri, in an Italian work assessing the surviving fragments and testimonies to her, reconstructs the poet's original name as "Herinna" (Ἥριννα).[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Luis Guichard, review of Camillo Neri's Erinna. Testimonianze e Frammenti. Eikasmos, Studi, 9 in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.07.24