Envelope (mathematics)

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This article is about envelopes in mathematics. For other uses, see Envelope (disambiguation).

In mathematics, an envelope of a family of manifolds (especially a family of curves) is a manifold that is tangent to each member of the family at some point.

The simplest formal expression for an envelope of curves in the (x,y)-plane is the pair of equations

{\partial F(x,y,t)\over\partial t}=0\qquad\qquad(2)\,

where the family is implicitly defined by (1). Obviously the family has to be "nicely" — differentiably — indexed by t.

The logic of this form may not be obvious, but in the vulgar: solutions of (2) are places where F(x,y,t), and thus (x,y), are "constant" in tie, where "adjacent" family members intersect, which is another feature of the envelope.

For a family of plane curves given by parametric equations (x(t, p), y(t, p))\,, the envelope can be found using the equation

{\partial x\over\partial t}{\partial y\over\partial p} = {\partial y\over\partial t}{\partial x\over\partial p}

where variation of the parameter p gives the different curves of the family.

[edit] Example

In string art it is common to cross connect two lines of equally-spaced pins. What curve is formed?

For simplicity, set the pins on the axes; a non-orthogonal layout is a rotation and scaling away. Then


for some fixed k, is suitable, and


So t = (xy) / 2, giving

x2 − 2xy + y2 − 4ky − 4kx + 4k2 = 0

which is the familiar implicit conic section form, in this case a parabola.

Parabolae remain parabolae under rotation and scaling; thus our answer is "parabolic arc" (since only a portion is produced).

See also ruled surface.

Another example: (xu)v' = (yv)u' is a tangent of a parametrised curve (u(t),v(t)). If we take F(x,y,t) = (xu)v' − (yv)u' then Ft(x,y,t) = xv'' − yu'' − uv'' + vu'' and F = Ft = 0 gives (x,y) = (u,v) when v''u'\ne u''v'. So a curve is the envelope of its own tangents except where its curvature is zero. (This could also be read as a validation of this analytical form.)

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