Ensdorf class minesweeper

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M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz
M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz

The five ships of the Type 352 Ensdorf class are former Type 343 Hameln class minesweepers that have been upgraded with the TROIKA PLUS system.

The Ensdorf class have three modes to clear mine fields:

  • TROIKA PLUS: This system employs up to four remote controlled Seehund (sea dog or seal) drones which perform the sweep. The drones are small unmanned boats that can simulate the acoustic and magnetic signatures of bigger ships to trigger mines. Their small size and special construction let them survive the effects of exploding mines unharmed.
  • Mine hunting: Mines detected with the hull-mounted sonar can be identified and exploded with expendable Seefuchs (sea fox) ROVs.
  • Classical minesweeping: Against moored mines the classical minesweeping using towed wire cutters to cut the anchors of mines can be conducted.

The Ensdorf class replaced the Type 351 Lindau class minesweepers in service with the German Navy.


[edit] Specifications

[edit] Seehund ROV

Three Seehunde ROVs
Three Seehunde ROVs
  • Length: 25m
  • Displacement: 97.8t
  • Propulsion: Schottel Z-drive
  • Max speed: 9-10kts

Seehund can be controlled remotely or manually by an onboard crew (usually 3) for maneuvering in harbours or in training (the Seehund is too large to be carried by Ensdorf class vessels). A life raft is carried for this reason.

[edit] Ship list

Name Call
M1094 Ensdorf DRFN October 16, 1990
M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz DRFR May 7, 1991
M1092 Hameln DRFO June 29, 1989
M1090 Pegnitz DRFT March 8, 1990
M1098 Siegburg DRFL July 26, 1990

Notes: The ship were not decommissioned for their rebuilding to Type 352, the listed dates are the ones of their commission as Type 343. Auerbach/Oberpfalz is one name.

The ships currently belong to the 5. Minensuchgeschwader (5. mine sweeper squadron) based in Olpenitz at the Baltic Sea.

[edit] ROVs

Number Commissioned Mothership
1 May 5, 1981 M1092 Hameln
2 May 5, 1981 M1092 Hameln
3 May 5, 1981 M1092 Hameln
4 March 4, 1982 M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz
5 March 4, 1982 M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz
6 March 4, 1982 M1093 Auerbach/Oberpfalz
7 September 17, 1981 M1098 Siegburg
8 September 17, 1981 M1098 Siegburg
9 September 17, 1981 M1098 Siegburg
10 November 11, 1981 M1098 Siegburg
11 November 11, 1981 M1092 Hameln
12 November 11, 1981 M1090 Pegnitz
13 May 24, 1982 M1090 Pegnitz
14 May 24, 1982 M1090 Pegnitz
15 May 24, 1982 M1090 Pegnitz
16 November 7, 1983 M1094 Ensdorf
17 November 7, 1983 M1094 Ensdorf
18 November 7, 1983 M1094 Ensdorf

The Seehunde are taken over from the 6 decommissioned Type 351 class, which means, that they are older than their motherships.

[edit] See also

Ship classes of the Deutsche Marine
Destroyers 101A Hamburg | 103B Lütjens
Frigates and Corvettes 122 Bremen | 123 Brandenburg | 124 Sachsen | F125 | 130 Braunschweig
Fast Attack Craft 143 Albatros | 143A Gepard | 148 Tiger
Mine warfare 332 Frankenthal | 333 Kulmbach | 352 Ensdorf | 742A Mühlhausen
Submarines 205B | 206A | 212A
Auxiliary ships 404 Elbe | 423 Oste | 441 Gorch Fock | 520 Barbe | 702 Berlin | 703 Walchensee | 704 Rhön | 720 Helgoland | 721 Eisvogel | 722 Wangerooge | 760 Westerwald

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