User talk:Enigma229

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[edit] Sign comments

Hey, please sign your comments on talk pages by entering four tildes after your name.

Nova SS 04:14, 4 June 2006 (UTC)

[edit] Image:Montana SP.jpg

Thank you for uploading Image:Montana SP.jpg. Unfortunately the JPEG format was not the best choice for this picture. Images such as diagrams, graphs, charts, maps, flags, and so on should almost always be saved in the PNG or SVG format, because the JPEG format suffers from compression artifacts. (You can read more about this at Wikipedia:Preparing images for upload.) I notice that you have also uploaded the SVG source, as Image:Montana SP.svg. Even though this SVG version doesn't appear to render correctly on Wikipedia, it should be easy for you to open the SVG and save it as a PNG. (I would do it myself, except I can't get the font to come out quite right, and the words don't line up like they should.) If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you for your help. —Bkell (talk) 20:38, 8 June 2006 (UTC)

Actually, the best thing to do would be to fix the SVG so that Wikipedia renders it correctly. Wikipedia doesn't have the Roadgeek fonts installed, but maybe your SVG editor has a tool to convert text into a path, which would preserve the font. —Bkell (talk) 20:40, 8 June 2006 (UTC)