Ends of a space

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Let X be a non-compact topological space. Suppose that K is a non-empty compact subset of X, and V \subseteq X\backslash K a connected component of X\backslash K, and V ⊆ U ⊆ X an open set containing V. Then U is a neighborhood of an end of X.

An end of X is an equivalence class of sequences X  \supset  U_1 \supset U_2 \ldots such that \cap \overline{U}_i = \varnothing, 

where Ui is a neighborhood of an end. Two such sequences (Ui),(Vj) are equivalent if for all i, there exists j such that U_i \supset V_j, and for all j, there exists i such that V_j \supset U_i. Given an end \mathcal{E} and a neighborhood of an end U, U is called a neighborhood of \mathcal{E} if there is a sequence (Ui) such that [(U_i)]=\mathcal{E} and U_1 \subset U. The notion of an end of a topological space was introduced by Hans Freudenthal.

For example, \mathbb{R} has two ends, with ends given by \left[( (i, \infty) )_{i\in\mathbb{N}}\right], \left[((-\infty, -i))_{i\in\mathbb{N}}\right].