Endless (comics)

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The Endless, as a family
The Endless, as a family

The Endless (Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Desire, Despair and Delirium) are a group of beings who embody various aspects of the universe in the DC comic book series The Sandman, by Neil Gaiman. They have existed since the dawn of time and are thought to be some of the most powerful (or at least influential) beings in the Sandman universe, and play a central role throughout the series, Dream being the main protagonist.

The Endless are a dysfunctional family of seven siblings. In their commonest forms, they all have white skin (though Destruction, Delirium and Destiny tend to be much less pale) and most have black hair, but their appearances and personalities vary wildly beyond that. They have some degree of control over the concepts they represent, but, though they are not shaped by human belief like the gods of Sandman, they are by nature bound to the fact that they are the manifestation of an aspect of mortal life. In particular, their appearance varies a great deal based on who is observing them. When asked by Marco Polo if Dream is always so pale, the Dream King replies "That depends on who is watching."


[edit] Functions and domains

The Endless do not rule, but spend most of their time fulfilling their functions: in Death's case, by infusing life in newborns and leading the souls of the dead away to their destinations; in Dream's case, by overseeing the Dreaming and regulating dreams and inspiration; and so on. However, some of the Endless are more dedicated to their tasks than others. The younger Endless (especially Desire) are known to play games with mortal lives, and one of the Endless, Destruction (often called "The Prodigal"), abandoned his duties altogether. When this happens, apparently that aspect of existence becomes random and arbitrary, rather than being supervised by any individual. However, if one of the Endless is destroyed, he or she will be replaced by another aspect of their role.

Each of the Endless has a realm, a place of uncertain location, geography, geometry and physics in which they are absolutely sovereign. Within their realm, each member of the Endless has a gallery. In the gallery hang picture frames containing symbols, or sigils, of the other Endless; holding a sigil and calling for the Endless it represents is a way for the Endless to contact each other. Destiny is also able to call his siblings with his gallery of paintings of each of them.

The Endless are generally uncomfortable in each other's realms, and do not travel between them except in the case of absolute necessity. Death is the exception; she freely travels within the other's realms, as she goes wherever she needs to go.

It has been speculated within the series that, in addition to overseeing their own sphere of influence, the Endless also define the opposite of the concepts they represent. This dualistic aspect of the Endless has been confirmed at least in the case of Death, who not only ends lives but also begins them. It has also been supported by Destruction's interest (though perhaps not skill) in many creative pastimes, including art, poetry and cooking, though this may be a recent attempt on Destruction's part to rebel against his own nature rather than an inherent part of his role and function.

If this trait extends to the other Endless as well, then Delirium may also define sanity, Despair hope, Desire fulfillment (or perhaps contempt, apathy or hate), Destiny freedom, and Dream reality. (Despair and Desire are twins, and have been noted as having a cause and effect type relationship.) This belief rests on a notion of Gaiman's that contrast and limitations are necessary for anything to be considered valuable: without death, life's beauty would be ignored and squandered; without despair, happiness (or hope) would be meaningless; without madness, there would be no sanity to speak of.

[edit] Origin

The origin and exact nature of the Endless is unknown, and few hints are ever given in the series as to exactly why the Endless exist; it is more implied that they are natural processes.

The Endless are as old as the concepts that they represent, and although exact ages for any of them are unavailable (only relative ones are), they are known to have at least existed for far longer than life on Earth has. This is possible because of the existence of many advanced alien civilizations from long before the creation of the earth in the Sandman's universe (and DC Comics continuity in general).

This is shown in Sandman #5 "Passengers" when Dream is recognized by the Martian Manhunter as the dream god on ancient Mars, as well as as in the Endless Nights chapter "Dream: The Heart of the Star", which takes place before the Sun's planets have "awakened" with life. Death has claimed that she was there when the first living thing stirred, and Destiny has said that Dream had given the Earth itself the fond dream of being able to support life.

One of the few references to any sort of parentage for the Endless is in The Sandman #70, where some sentience in the Necropolis Litharge that guards the symbols of each of the Endless wails "like a mother sorrowing for her departed child." The significance of the Necropolis to the Endless remains one of the largest mysteries of the series.

[edit] The Endless

The Endless are not known to have names (except in the case of Dream, who collects them). They are instead known by their respective function, but it's implied that their function needn't define them. The Endless are, in order of age (though Desire and Despair are twins):

  • Destiny: A blind man dressed in grey or brown (formerly purple prior to the Gaiman series) robes who carries a large book with him. The book is chained to him, or he is chained to the book, and within the book is written the entire sum of existence, past, present and future. Destiny seems the most possessed by his function and responsibilities of any of the Endless, rarely demonstrating much personality, and he more often observes events than causes them. His symbol is his book. In letter columns of the horror comics he hosted, he would warn that learning too many of his secrets caused death.
  • Death: A spunky, attractive, level-headed goth girl wearing an ankh (representing life) and often marked with a spiral Eye of Horus tattoo under one of her eyes. She prefers to dress and act casually, and is on better terms with Dream than any of the other Endless. Her symbol is the ankh.
  • Dream:
    • Dream (Morpheus): A tall, pale man with wild dark blue-black hair who tends to dress in a shapeless purple cloak. His eyes are pools of shadows with glimmers of light within. He is known by many names, most commonly "Morpheus." He has a long history of insensitivity towards others, and throughout The Sandman he must come to deal with his past cruelties. He is very concerned with fulfilling his responsibilities. His symbol is his dream-helm, made from the spine of a long-since dead god.
    • Dream (Daniel): Morpheus' succesor and a similarly tall, pale man but with white hair rather than black, also preferring to dress in a white outfit. Like Morpheus his eyes are formed by shadows with a glimmer of light in their center. Before his installment as the new Dream at the end of The Sandman, he was a young boy named Daniel, born in dreams to Lyta Trevor-Hall and the ghost of Hector Hall. He is generally softer in his approach than Morpheus. Daniel carries an emerald eagle stone, although his symbol remains the same (that of the dream-helm).
  • Destruction: A very large, robust man with red hair and a beard in the past, though he has no beard presently. He abandoned his responsibilities as an Endless several hundred years ago, causing much conflict between him and his siblings. He has a passion for creative and constructive endeavors, but little talent. His symbol is the sword. There is some question as to whether or not he is still Destruction after abandoning his realm, and he is most often referred to as "the Prodigal" or "Brother."
  • Desire: A beautiful, slim, androgynous, and pale Endless with a cruel streak and a long-standing rivalry with Dream, Desire has no definite gender. Her/his symbol is a heart shape. Although Desire is Despair's twin, in a sense he/she is older than Despair; this specific incarnation of Despair is the youngest of the Endless due to the original Despair's death under unknown circumstances.
  • Despair: An obese, short, nude, greyish Endless with irregularly-shaped teeth and a quietly intelligent, dully cold manner. She has a habit of carving her flesh with a hooked ring that she wears. This hooked ring is also her symbol. In her first form, Despair had many of the same physical qualities as her latter form, but her skin was a healthier fleshy color tattooed with intricate red lines. She was also portrayed as much more talkative than her current incarnation. The aspect of Despair we see throughout the comics is definitely not the original aspect, as Daniel and others have said. She was most likely the first successor to an Endless.
  • Delirium: A young girl whose form changes the most frequently of any of the Endless, based on the random fluctuations of her temperament. She tends to have wild and colorful hair and eccentric, mismatched clothes. Her only permanent defining characteristic is that one of her eyes is green and the other blue, but even those sometimes switch between left and right, or, if she absolutely has to become as orderly as possible, become the same color. She was once Delight, but some traumatic event caused her to shift into her current role. Audiences are to infer that she changed also as a result of the world's shifting from taking delight in simple pleasures to the more modern state of pursuing altered consciousness [citation needed]. Her symbol is an abstract, shapeless blob of colors.

[edit] See also