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Endenich is a quarter of Bonn since 1904 in Germany.

The village of Endenich was founded in the 8th century, first mentioned in 804 as Villa quae vocatur Antiche (the village was first called Antiche).

Today, about 12,000 people live in Endenich.

It is bounded by other quarters of Bonn including Duisdorf, Dransdorf, Lengsdorf, Lessenich and Poppelsdorf. It is next to Autobahn A565. It has its own Kulturmeile and has an Irish Pub The Fiddlers, and a cinema.

Robert Schumann was born in Endingen and lived in his house on Magdalenstraße. He died on July 29, 1856 at the Richarz'schen Heilanstalt near today's Sebastienstraße.

In the northern part is the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie which was opened in 1972.

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Districts of Bonn

Stadtbezirke: Bonn | Bad Godesberg | Beuel | Hardtberg
Ortsteile: Alt-Godesberg | Auerberg | Beuel-Mitte | Beuel-Ost | Bonn-Castell | Bonn-Zentrum | Brüser Berg | Buschdorf | Dottendorf | Dransdorf | Duisdorf | Endenich | Friesdorf | Geislar | Godesberg-Nord | Godesberg-Villenviertel | Graurheindorf | Gronau | Hardthöhe | Heiderhof | Hochkreuz | Hoholz | Holtorf | Holzlar | Ippendorf | Kessenich | Küdinghoven | Lannesdorf | Lengsdorf | Lessenich/Meßdorf | Limperich | Mehlem | Muffendorf | Nordstadt | Oberkassel | Pennenfeld | Plittersdorf | Poppelsdorf | Pützchen/Bechlinghoven | Ramersdorf | Röttgen | Rüngsdorf | Schwarzrheindorf/Vilich-Rheindorf | Schweinheim | Südstadt | Tannenbusch | Ückesdorf | Venusberg | Vilich | Vilich-Müldorf | Weststadt

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