End of the World Animation

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End of the World, circa 2003, depicting President George W. Bush as the leader of the United States, who has "26 hundred more nukes than anybody else."
End of the World, circa 2003, depicting President George W. Bush as the leader of the United States, who has "26 hundred more nukes than anybody else."

The End of the World flash animation is an internet phenomenon satirizing nuclear warfare and the end of the world in general. It first appeared in 2003, the author(s) is unknown although it is probably someone from California based on the ending dialogue.


[edit] Overview

Among the participants of this fictional end of the world are Pakistan, Israel, India, China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States, all of whom had nuclear weapons as of 2003. The story revolves around how the countries engage in a nuclear war that destroys the world, and how other countries deal with it.

The dialogue of the flash animation is performed by an anonymous narrator from California, and the entire animation is done in crude drawings, with speech bubbles, arrows, and highlighted countries when needed. Among some of the jokes is that the Chinese control room sign is written in English and has a Japanese flag hanging on the wall, Australia doesn't know what's going on, the Nukes say hello to each other, the locations can talk (Hawaii, Alaska, Australia, and California), the narrator often draws on the scenes to reinforce his point, and the United States has the most nukes and is the one that started the whole thing.

[edit] Dialogue

The dialogue is spoken in a heavy Slavic accent.

Ho-kay, so here's the Earth...chilling. Damn, that is a sweet Earth, you might say. WRONG[1]...alright, ruling out the ice caps melting, meteors becoming crashed into us (Earth?), the ozone layer leaving, and the sun exploding, we're definitely gonna blow ourselves up. Okay, so basically we've got China, France, India, Israel, Pakistan, Russia, the UK, and us, with nukes. We've got about twenty-six hundred more than anybody else, whatever.
Anyway, one day we decides that those Chinese Sons of a Bitches...are going down. So we launch a nuke at China. While it's on its way, China's like, "Shit! Shit! Who the fuck is shooting us?" "Oh well! Fire missiles!" And France is like, "Shit guys, we got ze missiles, are coming, fire our shit!" "But I am le tired..." "Well, have a nap. THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!"
Meanwhile, Australia is down there like, "WTF, mate?"
India, Israel, and Pakistan launch their shit so now we got missiles flying everywhere passing each other.
Russia's like, "Ahh, motherland!" And England's like, "About that time, eh, chaps?" "Right-o," so now the US is like, "Fuck, we're dumbasses." Canada's like, "What's going on, eh?" Australia's still like, "WTF?", Mars is laughing at us, and some huge meteor's like, "Well, fuck that".
So, now we got nuclear winter. Everyone's dead, except Australia, and they're still like, "WTF?"...but they'll be dead soon. Fucking kangaroos...
But, assuming we don't blow ourselves up, us Californians just have to worry about California breaking off from the United States...to go hang with Hawaii...Alaska can come, too. THE END!

[edit] See Also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ The dialogue is unclear. It may also be interpreted as "Well" or "Round".

[edit] External Links