End of Hellenic Religion

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The Hellenic religion was a traditional and open religion, similar to Hinduism, Taoism and Shintoism. Such religions share two attributes

  1. Evolution of tradition and philosophy.
  2. Coexistance of plural traditions.

The Roman religion was thus a variation of the Hellenic religion. The Egyptian religious traditions coexisted with the Hellenic faith in Egypt and elsewhere in the Roman empire.

Christianity grew gradually in Rome and the Roman empire. It inherited the opposition to idols and idol worshop from Judaism. Eventually the Hellenic tradition was suppressed. It survived in some pockets of Asia Minor for several centuries.

[edit] Chronology

10 to 65 Paul of Tarsus preaches his version of Christianity among the Jews and later among the gentiles.

Second century Christian Bishops established.

Third century Dura-Europos church in a Roman garrison town.

313 By Edict of Milan Constantine and Licinius establish toleration of Christianity.

324 Emperor Constantine declares Christianity as the only permitted religion in the Roman Empire.

329-335 Constantine orders destruction of Hellenic temples at Dydima, Mt. Athos, Aigeai, Baalbek etc.

353-356 Constantius orders the death penalty for any form of Hellenic worship. An edict orders the closing of all Pagan Temples. Hellenic priests are executed and libraries burnt.

361-363 Emperor Flavius Claudius Julianus proclaims tolerance and restoration of Hellenic worship.

364 Emperor Flavius Jovianus burns the Library of Antioch.

415 In Alexandria, Egypt, the mob urged by the bishop Cyrillus, attacks the famous philosopher and mathematician Hypatia. Parts of her body are paraded by and are finally burned together with her books.

440 to 450 All Hellenic monuments, altars and Temples of Athens, Olympia, and other Greek cities are destroyed.

529 Emperor Justinian closed the Academy of Athens in AD 529, bringing an end of the classical period. Some of the ramaining memebers fled to Ctesiphon the capital of Sassanid king Khosrau I.

580 A secret Temple of Zeus in Antioch destroyed.

651 Harran conquered by the Arabs, but the Helenic tradition is permitted to survive.

804 Hellenes of Laconia, Greece, resist the attempt of Tarasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, to convert them to Christianity.

Ninth century Harran becomes a center of Muslim scholarship with active participation of the Hellenes.

904 The Sabian trdition emerges from the Hellenes who fould shelter at Harran. "The Nabatean Agriculture" was cby Maimonides to have been an accurate record of the beliefs of the Sabians in the Harranian area.

950 to 988 Last Hellenes of Laconia forced to convert by the Armenian Saint Nikon.

1033 The temple of the Sabians destroyed in an urprising of the rural starving tribes.

[edit] Also see

[edit] References

  1. Vlasis Rassias,"DEMOLISH THEM..", (in Greek), Athens 2000 (2nd edition), Anichti Poli Editions, ISBN 960-7748-20-4