Encantadia plot summary (part one)

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See also: Encantadia plot summary (part two)


This is the first part of two parts of the plot summary of Encantadia fantasy soap opera (locally known as telefantasya) being aired in Philippine television.

This page will help understand the summaries of the episodes 1-110 of the series Encantadia.

[edit] Introduction

Encantadia is a term coined from the Filipino word encantada or encantado which means enchanted beings endowed with supernatural powers.

In the show, Encantadia is a vast enchanted realm comprising of four divided kingdoms where different mythical entities thrive. These four kingdoms bear the four precious stones that holds the land's balance. The kingdom of Adamya, Sapiro, Lireo, and Hathoria. The tranquility and future of Encantadia rests on the four gemstones of water, earth, wind and fire; each being carefully kept by the bearers from each kingdom.

But when the Hathors, from the kingdom of Hathoria threatened to accumulate all the gems from the other bearers, hostility and war swept over the realm. It's a battle of three kingdoms against one.

The story unfolds in Lireo, the kingdom where Ynang Reyna Minea lives with her daughters Amihan, Alena, Danaya, and Pirena. The four Sangg'res are tasked to be the new keepers of the gemstones. Their skills in war and their powers as the royalty of the diwatas are believed to be the strength of Lireo. As long as the gemstones are kept properly, the balance of nature in Encantadia remains. But this story tells viewers that powers can also break precious relationships as Pirena had plotted the downfall of her own sister Amihan, who won the competition for the Lirean crown, and the other Sangg'res Danaya and Alena took Amihan's side.

With this situation, Lira, the long lost daughter of Amihan returned to Encantadia and tried to fulfill her mission of mending the broken relationships of the strong-willed gemstone keepers.

[edit] The main protagonists

The story revolves around the four Sang'gres of Lireo, the center of worship in Encantadia - Amihan, Alena, Danaya and Pirena. Amihan, the enthroned Queen of Lireo is the keeper of Jewel of Wind and the mother of Lira whom she had born to Ybarro, also known as Prince Ybrahim, the heir to the fallen kingdom of Sapiro. Amihan sits in the throne of Lireo as queen with the wisdom and kindness of her mother and the skills of swordsmanship and strong arms of her father Raquim. Alena is the third among the four daughters of Queen Minea and the keeper of the Jewel of Water. Alena is also the lover of Ybarro and mother of Kahlil. Pirena, the eldest among the Sang'gres, keeps the Jewel of Fire and had used it to defeat her mother, Queen Minea, who have favored Amihan to wear the crown in her place but she will realize that she's very special and finds the love remaining inside deep in her heart. She is the smartest and most skillful among the Sang'gres. Danaya is the fearless and most lawful among the Sang'gres. She possesses the Jewel of Earth and receives the care and affection of Aquil, the chief of the Lirean soldiers. Because of Pirena's anger toward Amihan, she replaced baby Lira with her own daughter Mira and had left the former in a dirty place in the world of the human beings. There she grew up and fell in love with a rich youth named Anthony, whom Mira also fell in love with. But Lira has a higher calling as a Sang'gre. She is hailed by Minea as the savior of Encantadia. Her goal is to reunite the four Sang'gres who have, at the course of the story, hated each other because of situations willed by Bathala. Like the history of Encantadia itself, the four Sangg'gres also have a similar story because Pirena symbolizes Hathoria which is the enemy of the other three sisters of earth, wind and water. But as the story goes by, Amihan, Alena and Danaya realize that their love for their evil sister still remains strong and realize that she was never the enemy but the Hathors.

[edit] Amihan's beginnings

One of the most significant beginnings of the tale is the entwined linkage of Encantadia to the mortal realm through the Asnamon Tree, a century-aged tree serving as the gateway to both worlds. The pilot episode established the account of one of the lead protagonists, Amihan. In here, she and her father Raquim lived a mortal existence. But she discovers her magical heritage and her ability to control the wind. Soon she realized that her father is in fact a prince. And all of Encantadia is told to young Amihan by her father.

Her father's death to the hands of the gruesome Hathorian leader, Hagorn, triggered an early consciousness to fight. She is whisked away into Encantadia, reuniting with her biological mother, Ynang Reyna and her sisters. Amihan is on a road to self-discovery and finding out her true heritage.

[edit] The four guardians of the Jewels of Encantadia

As time goes by, Amihan grows up and learns all about her people and the land of Encantadia. She learns how to speak the language and how to act like a Sang'gre (a diwata of royal blood). And she is seen as the most likely candidate for the throne of Lireo, which upsets the eldest sister, Pirena, who is convinced that her mother is playing favorites and loves Amihan more than all her other children.

The four Sang'gres soon grow up. Amihan grows up mature and motherly with the wisdom and kindness of her mother and the strength and abilities of her father. Pirena lets her anger and jealousy get the best of her and thus grows up bitter, cunning and deceitful. Alena grows up innocent, beautiful and demure as ever, and her beauty gets her quite a few suitors, including Ybarro (later named as Ybrahim) and she is also the one with the most majestic powers. Danaya grows up into a strong-willed, rebellious, albeit militaristic woman with a soft spot for nature.

These four sisters bear the powers of the four jewels since their childbirth. Pirena is the elemental goddess of Fire, Amihan the elemental goddess of wind, Alena the goddess of water and Danaya for Earth. All of them are brave, skilled, powerful and one of the strongest beings in Encantadia. Aside from the elemental powers, All of them have different abilities like Pirena's shapeshifting abilitites to humanoid forms and ionic flight, Amihan's abilitites to levitate, Alena's powerful voice, and Danaya's shapeshifting abilitites to various plants and animals.

[edit] Choosing the new Queen of Lireo

The time came for a new queen to ascend the throne. Minea, after having consulted her advisors, told her daughters to prepare for the test. Pirena later overheard Minea talking with Imaw that she wish either of her three daughters, except Pirena, would become queen, vaguely mentioning something about Pirena's "blood" (she still didn't talk about it clearly and it even mystified wise Imaw) and that she is sorry that Pirena won't be able to fulfill her ambition but Pirena was already gone this time, angry and hurt with questions on her mind.

The test for the sisters is to fight a cloaked warrior. The goal is to retrieve a "key" that the warrior wears as a pendant. The cloaked figure, clad in white with a brown face cover (the attire is, intriguingly, of a common Sapirian warrior).

Alena went first and scummed but was very proud of it. Danaya went next and it was her battle that was most difficult (she even stepped on several traps). Defeated, she also went home sulking. Next went Amihan. When the enemy proved to be too strong for her, Pirena decided to join her and together they forced it to retreat into the woods.

In the midst of their pursuit, Amihan fell of a cliff, Pirena then tried to save her but then remembering that it would ruin her dream of becoming queen, kicked Amihan's hand, letting her fall down. The cloaked warrior flew down rescuing the diwata. It was at this moment that Amihan discovered the warrior's identity. It was Ynang Reyna and she stated that she would know since her mothers love would always show, despite any sort of disguise. They both safely returned to the cliff.

Because of Pirena's betrayal, Amihan is declared the heir to the throne. Pirena, hurt and angry, decides to challenge the queen for the throne and steals the crystal of fire (with the goading of her long-time nanny and secret-Hathor-spy Gurna) to ensure her success. Pirena manages to bring down Ynang Reyna aided by the gem's power. But before the last blow was struck, her three sisters join forces and defeat her. She escapes and allies herself with the Hathors.

During the ceremony to acknowledge Amihan as the legal heir to the throne, the three remaining elemental gems are entrusted to each of the sisters. Amihan is entrusted with the air gem, Alena with the water gem, and Danaya with the earth gem.

Their characteristics are very different, though. Pirena is the envious one, but on the other hand, she is smart, talented, and the one who works the hardest to achieve her goal. Amihan is the smartest, like her mother, she is also motherly, the best in war in swordsmanship and has the strongest arms. Alena has the most distinctive powers among her sisters, also the most beautiful, she is kind, honest and a brave warrior no matter who she faces. Danaya is the one strict and hard to control like her niece Lira, but she is strong, brave, and her heart is always on the right side.

[edit] The Four Jewels of Encantadia

When the four kingdoms were not yet divided, Encantadia only had one jewel carrying the powers of Fire, Air, Water and Earth. Whe the Hathors planned to steal the jewel of elements, Cassiopeia immediately hit the jewel with a powerful sword known as the Kabilan and saw four new jewels each carrying equal amount of power. The fire jewel was given to Hathoria, the water jewel to Adamya, the earth jewel to Sapiro and the air jewel to Lireo. Bathala was angry with what happened and punished Cassiopeia that only when the jewels are back together she may go back to her kingdom and go to Devas. The Hathors managed to attack Adamya and possess the jewel of water. The Sapirians came to the rescue and killed the king of Hathoria but in return, the king of Sapirio, Armeo was also killed. Armeo gave the three jewels to his cousin Raquim to give it to Minea for safety. As the years have passed all jewels were together leaving the Hathors afraid to attack Lireo. As four powerful Sang'gres were born each was carrying power that the four jewels hold. The four jewels were then entrusted to them for safety and protection. (For the full reason of the existence of the Jewel of the Elements, see Cassiopeia and Etheria below)

[edit] The heir to the throne

It soon becomes apparent that Amihan must also produce her heir. She invokes Bathala to help her find a worthy father to her child. The father chosen is none other than Ybarro, who is revealed to be the long-lost prince of the fallen kingdom of Sapiro. Both Ybarro and Amihan conceive the child in a collective dream. A healthy daughter is born and is named Lira. She is blessed with extraordinary powers by her aunts Alena and Danaya. Danaya blesses Lira with an innate protection against Pirena's powers and energies while Alena gifts her with a beautiful voice that can magically soothe and calm her mother's (Amihan's) heart.

Pirena, aware of the situation, hatches a plan and also conceives a daughter with an unmentioned soldier. The child is named Mira and is born at the same time as Lira.

By this time Pirena has joined the Hathors and is plotting with them against Amihan. Since she sees the newborn Princess Lira as a major hindrance, she kidnaps the baby and tried to kill her, however she fails because of Danaya's blessing and her dagger could not touch the child so instead she sends Lira to the mortal realm through the Tree of Asnamon. She then replaces the real Princess Lira with her own child, Mira.

The real Lira is adopted by a poor couple and they name her "Milagros" (or "Miracle" in English) because once their hut catched fire, they found the baby still safe even after the hut fell down to everyone's amazement. Because of a railroad accident that killed her foster father, Mila, as she is now known, not only grows up poor, but hated and abused by her foster mother, who blames the accident on Mila, and her spoiled-rotten daughter.

When she grows up she finds a job as a maid for a rich family, headed by the overbearing, bitchy Carmen, and her son Anthony (whom Mila once met when they were kids and they ran away together for a while). And though Mila and Anthony reunite and strengthen their relationship, not as friends, but as lovers, Mila has to endure the torture her adoptive mother and mistress put her through, along with the taunting of her nemesis, spoiled, scheming Marge. There are also the problems of the manifestation of her powers, and a thought that haunts her everyday: the thought that she might have a screw loose, because she sees things that, though real, cannot be seen and are deemed fictitious by humans.

[edit] Pirena's revenge

Meanwhile in Encantadia, Pirena goes on with her diabolical plans which affect both her family and all the diwatas in general. Some of these include:

  • Disguising herself (because she has shapeshifting abilities) as Bathala (a Philippine mythical god) and showing herself (as Bathala) to Alena, urging her to give up her gem of water to "ease her pains" and to stop thinking about her lover (Alena thinks Ybarro is dead after a fight and is stricken with grief), causing Alena to temporarily lose her memory. She did this while Alena was contemplating suicide and was emotionally unstable. She later disguised herself as a dead Alena whom her sisters grieved upon and burned on a funeral pyre while the real Alena (Akesha) was taken away by Hitano (Bardano) (this is the reason why she's not present in the funeral, though no one would be suspecting anyway for they are all sad).
  • Disguising herself as Danaya and making an attempt on Amihan's life, which leads to the real Danaya's exile. At first Amihan won't believe but she later changed her mind. Pirena' plan would have been foiled when Aquil told Amihan that it was possibly Pirena, remembering an event when someone, disguised as him, entered the treasury and stole the fire gem. However when they check on Pirena in her room, they found her (Hagorn disguised as Pirena because Hators have the ability to shapeshift, too) peacefully sleeping.
  • Lying to her daughter about Mila, whom Lira (now known as Mira) has befriended, making up lies that Mila is the last member of a cursed royal clan that is banished unto the mortal realm and would be a barrier to Lira's ascension to the throne. She then encouraged Lira to kill Mila but Lira failed to do this on the last minute because she loved her friend. When Anthony suddenly came in (Lira hid) she realized Mila was the girl that Anthony was talking about and felt that she should have really killed her. She later told Pirena that if she (Pirena) want to get rid of Mila, she has to use her own ends for she has no interest in seeing Mila again.

[edit] Danaya's journey to the human world

Now Danaya, who has been wrongfully banished from Lireo, comes upon the Tree of Asnamon, and seeing Lira open the portal, decides to follow. She lands in Carmen's backyard and meets Mila, but is soon driven out by Carmen and her stooge.

Because she is not familiar with the mortal world and its laws, she strikes people who anger her for whatever reason and thus getting into a couple of run-ins with the police. In the mortal world, she meets another diwata, Muyak (who has been gone for 18 years to watch over Mila). At first, Danaya doesn't recognize Muyak, but she soon remembers Muyak and they set off on a quest to find Mila.

After a bullet wound, a trip to the hospital, and a failed attempt to convice Mila she is a diwata later, they decide to go back to Encantadia but realize that the portal is closed. They are stuck in the mortal world.

Meanwhile, Asval (Bobby Andrews) with some surviving Sapiryans (Brad Turvey and Gerard Pizarras) continued to test Ybrahim to see if he is worthy to be the heir of King Armeo, the old king of Sapiro. They believed that Asval is the bravest Sapiryan warrior, but no one knows how he escaped the Great Battle of Encantadia.

Amihan told Alena that Ybarro is alive. Danaya and Muyak will see face to face, and Pirena goes to the world of mortals to see if Mila (Jennylyn Mercado) is still alive, and they will meet each other.

[edit] The truth about Mila

There will be confirmation that Mila is the daughter of Amihan. Mila is getting crazy, so many things plays on her mind - one of which is that Anthony is also getting insane. The Hathor will take care of Mila, and Lira will find out that her "medallion" is with the Hathor. The Hathor will land the world of mortals to kill Mila.

Anthony asks psychiatric help from Mila, and see the powers of love in the process.

Pirena ruins Mila by telling Lira that she is also a 'diwata' with bad blood, and because of this, Lira may not become a queen. Cassiopeia (Cindy Kurleto) is bribed by Pirena.

Amihan sympathizes with Ybarro. Hagorn tells Pirena that he volunteered to go to the world of mortals and kill Mila. Amihan declares war against Hathoria and war ensues.

Hagorn is able to weaken Mila to near death but the Mulawins help to revive her. With the help of Bagwis, Danaya and Mila are able to go back to Encantadia through a medallion that was hidden in the tomb of Avilan who founded Avila — the kingdom of the Mulawins.

[edit] The battle between Pirena and Amihan

With the help of Hagorn and the Hathors, Pirena comes and battles the kingdom of Lireo. When Pirena comes to Amihan telling her everything she plotted, Amihan was full of anger and had nothing to do but to battle her sister. At first, Amihan clashed her sword with Pirena and both outshowed their skills in swordsmanship and elemental powers. Pirena confidentially undraws her daggers and produced fire balls but Amihan was able to block them all, Amihan was quick enough to hit Pirena with her sword and made her sister weak. The fire goddess surprises Amihan with fire shaped like a whip but the elemental goddess of wind used air as a shield. Pirena produced another fire ball but with Amihan angry she quickly striked her sister's hands with wind leaving nothing on Pirena's hands, Amihan curses Pirena that she will never be happy and content. Amihan got her sword and tried to kill Pirena but Alena blocked it (because Pirena convinced Alena that Amihan and Ybarro have a relationship) but later on, Alena sides with Amihan and the two sisters beat their eldest sister prooving that Amihan doesn't need two jewels to be strong. Pirena manages to escape while Amihan sends Alena to Ybarro to fix their relationship. After minutes Amihan fall because of thousands of Hathors that surrounded her. Pirena cages Amihan after the war.

[edit] The Kabilan

To end the conflict between kingdoms, Ybarro must go to fight Cassiopeia and possess the Kabilan, a bolo knife. Numerous persons in the past failed to defeat Cassiopeia. But for the first time, Ybarro defeated Cassiopeia and she has no choice but to show the location of the Kabilan. The Kabilan had been hidden at the center of three tall white stones guarded by dementor looking spirits.

Pirena transforms herself to look like Amihan and spins a different tale that makes Danaya look bad and herself, good. She then leaves the unsuspecting Lira in a tower and seals the entrance so that only she with her water crystal can pass through the stairs.

[edit] Recovery of the Earth Jewel

Each of the four stones had been known as a source of power. And then it became clear that beyond the power is the responsibility that goes with it: Losing a stone means grave danger, as Danaya realized. When her earth stone was dropped at sea by Avilan, earth's vegetation had been slowly withering. Before it gets too late, Danaya will have to be inside a bubble and go hunting for the stone underwater.

[edit] Deceptions revealed

After learing that her two mothers were just using her for their own ends, Mira decided to go back to the land of the mortals. Mira was crying while she was cooking and a tear fell on what she was cooking and when Carmen (Anthony's mom) ate it, she ended up crying, too.

After an air-element gabay-diwa named Aure (a being half psyche and half diwata from the mind of an encantado) disguises in a form of a pigeon (Cheska Garcia) to guide Lira to her escape, a water-element gabay-diwa, Agua (Sunshine Garcia), who will, in turn, help Alena to save Kahlil, Alena and Ybarro's son; who will be a character that will tie some loose ends in the series.

Kahlil will attempt to kill Lira. This future fight between cousins (mothers are sisters) and half-siblings (same father) is reminiscent of the story of Cain and Abel. This might be the reason why Kahlil's tear was not salty water but blood. Spurned by his father, jealousy may be the reason behind this blood feud.

But before Kahlil kills Lira, he has fulfilled his mother's curse to kill Hitano. Although, the Hathors revived Hitano as a monster through the help of a fire spirit guide (gabay diwa), Alipato.

[edit] The Avatar

Cassiopeia had been collecting gold in exchange for prophecy. Because of Kahlil's birth, Cassiopea think of an idea on how can she destroy Kahlil because Alena said that no one known weapon can destroyed Kahlil when she was laboring him after escaping to Hitano at the Kingdom of Hathoria and before she become a water plant to heal her body and to escape death in the help of water spirit-guide Agua. The reason of Cassiopea to destroy Kahlil is that because he's a threat in the life of Encantadia lunteai Lira. Then afterward, she think an idea, to make a weapon that not already known in Encantadia. She put some gold to her tresury but sudden she think twice, she really need that good for a mission (later in the finale week of book1, cassiopea use the gold meltdown in fire to rub in her back so she can have a butterfly wings to become free in the forest where she imprisonned a hundred years by Emre because of the jewel of element and help the sang'gre in their war against Hagorn and to the Hathoria)but at last she use some of gold and melt it and make a sword and she called it Avatar. But this might be her answer to the Hagorn's Kabilan.

[edit] The Kalasag

A mysterious masked warrior, the Kalasag, helps Aquil during a fight with some Pashneas. Asval and his men also encountered the Kalasag. Unknown to them, the Kalasag is Ybarro. He was able to escape after Asval imprisoned him.

[edit] Lira's mission

Cassiopeia has taken Lira into her lair and tells Lira that she is the saviour of Encantadia. After Lira asked how she can save Encantadia, Cassiopeia further explains that she must go to Devas to meet Minea and all the answers will be revealed to her. For Lira's protection during her journey, Cassiopeia gave the Avatar to Lira. After Amihan discovers Lira's mission, she allows Lira to go to Devas but she will be accompanied by Danaya. They are later joined by Wantuk and Apek in middle of their journey in the flying ship. On her arrival to Devas, Lira meets Minea, Raquim, Armeo and the guardian sent to her by Minea when she was trapped in the castle. Minea tells Lira that the only way to maintain the peace in Encantadia is by making the four sisters (Pirena, Amihan, Alena and Danaya) who are the elemental goddesses of fire, wind, water and earth and who are the carriers of the four jewels, get along once and for all and the four jewels must be put back together.

[edit] Alena's return

Alena returns after being turned to a water lily by the water spirit guide and reunites with Ybarro. They have soon found out that their son, Kahlil, is being held by Pirena. But after going to Lireo and confronted Pirena, Ybarro, Alena and Amihan are not able to find Kahlil in Lireo because, unknown to them, Kahlil was tasked to follow Lira to Devas and kill her.

[edit] Kahlil's death

After encountering Barbarians in Ascano, Lira weakens after a fight with Kahlil but in the end Danaya kills Kahlil and discovers that Kahlil is a Sang'gre. Danaya advises Lira to continue her journey with Wantuk and Apek while she returns dead body of Kahlil to Adamya.

In Adamya, Alena grieves her son's death while Danaya confesses that he killed Kahlil. Because of this Alena challenges Danaya to a fight.

While Alena and Danaya fight, Danaya willingly let's herself lose the battle because she loves her sister. When Alena was about to stab Danaya with her spear, Amihan stops her. Alena thought Amihan was siding with Danaya so she left them and stayed alone.

Alena was alone near the water thinking. After a few minutes, Pirena finds her and asks her if she would like to be in her side. Alena says yes but with one condition which is if Pirena will give back the jewel of water. Pirena gives the jewel and Alena and her jewel were finally united again. Alena now tricks Pirena and scares her sister away.

[edit] Alena's anger and pain

Alena, now back with her water jewel is much stronger and powerful. She challenges Amihan and Danaya but they refused to battle with her so Alena again ran away. Alena saves Lira whom just came back from Devas from a Hathor. Alena tries to kill Lira but she loves her sister's daughter so she refused to kill her. Alena tries one more time but Ybarro saves her daughter from his lover.

Amihan, confused, calls Alena and challenges her sister. They both were equal in power so it was considered an equal fight. But Alena is not as powerful as her sister because Amihan was trained since she was a child so Alena fell and her sister told her that if she comes near her daughter again, she would kill her.

[edit] The second coming of Kahlil and his eventual death

Alena talks to the spirit of water on how she can be with her son again. Agua tells her that only Alipato, the spirit of fire can call dead spirits from the other world back to Encantadia. Alena now talks to Pirena and Pirena agrees. Kahlil now returns knowing everything but he is not happy. He wants to be quiet again in Devas. After a few days, he goes to Lira to ask her to kill her even if they're now friends. Lira refuses to kill her half brother. After more days, Kahlil visits the place of Amihan, Danaya, and Lira and said that he would kill Danaya if Lira does not kill him. Alena was watching them crying and crying and Amihan tell Alena that his mind is already poisoned and they must kill him. Alena accepts that her son will be killed. And now, she watches her son die again, and disappear.

[edit] The attack on Sapiro

Amihan, Alena and Danaya were reunited once again. On a night of a feast, all the three sang'gres, diwatas, Adamyans, Ybarro, Wantuk and Apek were having a great time. Alena and Lira sang songs to entertain others while feasting. On the night of their feast Asval arrived outside Sapiro with the Kabilan which he borrowed from Hagorn. But as he was about to enter he was pushed back because the door was protected by the jewel of earth. Asval and the hathors found another way into the kingdom and surprised Amihan and her people with a strike. The four Sang'gres went inside to protect the Adamyans from harm. Ybarro faced Asval but he was no match against the Kabilan so he was almost about to die. Amihan, Alena, Lira and Danaya came back ready to battle with their armors and weapons. While Amihan was looking back, Asval surprisingly called her name and stroke her body with the Kabilan. Lira saw her mother and was even able to make Asval fall on the floor. Alena faced Asval on a one on one match. She and her opponent almost had an equal fight but Asval was quick enough to hit her back. Ybarro came back as Kalasag but with no mask. He faced Asval and was able to get the Kabilan again but was returned when an Aquil was hostaged. The three remaining evil Sapirians left.

[edit] Amihan's death and resurrection

Amihan was thought to be dead when Asval struck her with the Kabilan. But Amihan's soul temporarily went to a kind of dream where the scene is a peaceful Encantadia. She met Avilan (The air-kambal diwa) and told her the scene, which Amihan really wanted but will no longer be, as she is dead. Amihan did not believe him and tried to walk away. Avilan called for her but Amihan made a way back which is she cursed herself that she will not die at this present time because it's not the right time to leave her daughter and sisters, so she teletransported her soul back into her body, but a funny thing happened. While Alena is cleaning Amihan, she looked at her palms, which were without lines. She consulted Cassiopeia about this but the former queen also met the same fate. This means that if a person has changed his/her destiny, it's palm lines will be erased permanently, and many new things will happen, as Cassiopeia mentioned and she also said "Ikaw na ang magsisimula ng iyong kasaysayan" which means "you will now start your own history". Amihan also has new powers but has not yet fully known what this is. After knowing about her palms, she consolted Cassopeia about this and it also shows that Cassiopeia has the same hands as Amihan's. Amihan then discovered that her new powers are to summon her twin-spirit who's name is Aera that was very useful as she can help her in battle, do something while Amihan's doing something herself, and also has the same powers and skills.

[edit] Anthony's journey to Encantadia

Anthony is able to witness Mira's departure from the human world through the magical medallion and begins to believe that Encantadia is true and Lira is there.

After Mira returns from Encantadia, Mira fails to make Anthony drink a love potion that Cassiopeia gave her because Anthony is already suspicious.

Anthony and Manang Rosing travel to Encantadia after Antony discovers an Enchan writing and steals the magical medallion from Mira as a desperate attempt to find Lira.

[edit] Pirena's sickness

While spying at the Hathors during their ritual to produce more Hathors, Pirena was bitten by a spirit on her neck and brought her a sickness. The herbal plants couldn't help save the Fire Goddess so Gurna went to the other Sang'gres for help. One day in Sapiro, Gurna visited Amihan, Alena and Danaya for help. Danaya refused to help Pirena because of her anger. The three sisters refused to heal their eldest sister because of what she has done to them. All of them were thinking this was a trick. Lira on the other hand visited Pirena desperate that all sang'gres would get along. She then approaches her mother and aunts. The three still refuse but Lira never gives up.

[edit] Pirena gets well

Lira never stopped finding a way to help Pirena. Danaya is forced to heal her evil sister with her jewel. After a while Pirena wakes up not knowing anything that just happened. Gurna tells her that she was the one whom saved her with the help of a herbal plant. Pirena now returns to the Balaak and kills all the new Hathors. She also destroyed the sacred stone with the powers of the fire jewel. This stone was ised by Hagorn for the ritual. Cassiopeia visits Gurna and shows how mad she was. She told Gurna she should have never told Pirena that she (Gurna) was the one who healed Pirena. Cassiopeia stikes the plants with power and curses Gurna that she will never be successful.

[edit] The attack on Lireo

Hagorn, Asval and the Hathors went to Ascano to kill Amihan's kambal diwa (twin spirit-guide), Aera. But on this time, Amihan, Alena, Danaya, Ybarro and Aquil visit Lireo to take it back to the Hathors. The five strong warriors confidently and bravely faced all the Hathors. Aquil and Ybarro entered from outside and killed all Hathors guarding the main entrance door to the palace of Lireo. Amihan, Alena and Danaya face the Hathors inside the palace and had no problem with it. But while in Ascano, Aera and Mira face some of the Hathors while escaping. But suddenly, Hagorn strikes Aera with his kabilan and Aera is injured same with Amihan so Amihan called for her kambal diwa to go back inside her. Amihan's strength finally returned. Agane and more Hathors come to face the three elemental goddesses. Alena and Danaya challenge the Hathors while Amihan and Agane have a one on one challenge which Agane looses easily and quickly. More Hathors come but Ybarro and Aquil came to their help. The five warriors defeat their enemies. Agane and Hitano are left alone with no more soldiers. But surprisingly, Pirena comes and strikes Alena with Fire while she wasn't looking. Danaya tells Pirena that she should have never healed her and should have let her die when she had the chance. Pirena tells her that she doesn't know what she was talking about and looks at Gurna. Gurna was ashamed and remained silent. Amihan now wants a battle with Pirena to end it once and for all. Before starting the fight, Hagorn and Asval arrived. Amihan told him to leave because the Kabilan and the sceptor is no match with the four jewels of elements. Hagorn told them that he has power stronger than all and he showed them Mira. He asked for the for jewels and asked Amihan to decide. Amihan said no even if she loves Pirena's daughter, because the only way Encantadia will be at peace is if the jewels remain in the goo side. Pirena disagrees and is willing to give her jewel alone. But she said that this is not the right time and the seven leave Lireo and Pirena tells her sisters that she is planning something. Mira remains caged.

Continued at: Encantadia plot summary (part two)