
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

EmperorSkeletor is an Australian writer and academic with an honours degrees in Theatre and Film studies from the University of New South Wales and the University of Sydney, as well as some lesser qualifications from Cambridge University, UK.

He contributes to Wikipedia occasionaly, mainly on topics relating to film and toy-related pop culture from the early 1980s onwards. He believes that Wikipedia is an extremely useful resource but ultimately should not be considered a truly reliable reference as it is far too prone to misinformation, whether through good faith mistakes or active vandalism.

Despite this view, he dislikes people getting in his face over the absolute letter of Wikipedia rules and regs when the vast majority of existing pages on such topics are absolutely rife in unsourced and unsubstantiated material which never seems to get touched. If standards cannot be applied across the board, then excessive vehemence towards individual users seems systemically hypocritical (if one can use such an awkward term).

He attempts to treat other users with a level of calmness and respect that befits a communal project such as Wikipedia.

(I assume I was supposed to write that in the 3rd person?)