Emilio Alvarez Lejarza

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Emilio Alvarez Lejarza, Nicaraguan government official and jurist. He was born in Granada, Nicaragua on 25 Oct 1884. He died in Managua, Nicaragua on 15 Oct 1969.

Emilio Alvarez Lejarza
Emilio Alvarez Lejarza

Alvarez Lejarza received a Bachelor's degree from the Instituto Nacional de Oriente of Granada, Nicaragua in 1904. While working towards his degree, he taught courses in mathematics and grammar at the same institute. He went on to postgraduate study of law and in 1917 obtained the degree of Doctor en Derecho from the Universidad de Oriente.

He returned to law practice in Nicaragua. Subsequently, he was appointed a district judge and later became the youngest justice of the Supreme Court of Nicaragua. Among his public offices, he served as extraordinary and plenipotentiary minister to the Republic of Honduras, Minister of Public Education, and Senator of the Republic. He prepared the "Code of Professional Morals", which was approved by the Technical Council of Public Education 25 Oct 1945 ( Normas Jurídicas de Nicaragua). For his academic achievements, he was made permanent secretary of the Nicaraguan Academy of Language; he also became director of the Academy of Geography and History.

Alvarez Lejarza was an outspoken member of the Conservative Party. In 1950, he was chosen by the Party as spokesman to negotiate with the Liberals, then in power. He held discussions directly with President Somoza's son, Anastasio Somoza Debayle, and was primarily responsible for the resulting Pact of the Generals, referring to the principal signers: General Anastasio Somoza García and General Emiliano Chamorro Vargas.[1]

Alvarez Lejarza was the father of Emilio Alvarez Montalván, noted ophthalmologist and political writer. His second marriage in 1925 was with Josefa Margarita Chamorro Zelaya, a granddaughter of former President Pedro Joaquín Chamorro Alfaro and a niece of former president Diego Manuel Chamorro Bolaños. He subsequently wrote an essay entitled “Recorrido Histórico de las principales figuras de la familia Chamorro”[1] which presents a brief characterization of several Chamorro family members.


[edit] Honoraria

[edit] Publications

  • Abolición de la esclavitud en Nicaragua, (1962) La Prensa, 10 enero 1962, 2.
  • Apuntes del Uti Possídetis juris de 1821, de la República de Nicaragua
  • Biografía de José León Sandova1
  • Las Constituciones de Nicaragua, (1958) Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispánica.
  • Curso completo de Hístoria del Derecho
  • El Liberalismo en los 30 Años, (1964) RCPC, Vol. 10, No. 51, diciembre 1964,23-36.

[edit] References

  • Obituary of Dr. Alvarez Lejarza, La Prensa, 17 Oct 1969.
  • Genealogia Familia Chamorro, por el Dr. Emilio Alvarez Lejarza (1951), Talleres Tipograficos y Litograficos de la Editorial Catolica, S. A. Managua, Nic.-C. A.

[edit] Note

  1. ^ This paper is incorrectly attributed to his son, Emilio Alvarez Montalván, in Cementerio de Granada

[edit] Categories