EMILY's List

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EMILY's List is a political action committee (PAC) in the United States that aims to help elect pro-choice Democratic women to office. It was founded by Ellen Malcolm in 1985.

The name EMILY's List is an acronym for "Early Money Is Like Yeast," from the common political saying, "Early money is like yeast, because it helps the dough rise." A common misconception among the public is that the organization was named after a woman named Emily.

The saying is a reference to a convention of political fundraising: That receiving lots of donations early in a race is the most helpful time to get them, since they scare off challengers and help attract other, later donors.

[edit] History

EMILY's List was founded in 1985, when 25 women met in the home of Ellen Malcolm. Their goal was to form a network to raise money for pro-choice Democratic women candidates. The network was designed to provide its members with information about candidates and encourage them to write checks directly to the candidates.

In 1986 EMILY's List was instrumental in electing Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, the first Democratic woman elected to the US Senate in her own right.

Since its founding, the organization has helped elect 61 pro-choice Democratic women members of Congress, 11 senators, 8 governors and 216 women to state and local office.

In 2005, EMILY's List celebrated its 20th Anniversary at a major gala in Washington, DC. Speakers included then-newly elected Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI), Senator Barbara Mikulski (MD), and Governor Jennifer Granholm (MI).

Similar groups have formed along the same lines as EMILY's List, with some slight variations. The Wish List (political organization) is a much smaller counter part group that supports pro-choice United States Republican Party women. In 1994, Joan Kirner created a similar organization in Australia by the same name, EMILY's List Australia.

[edit] External links

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