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The Elidhu are a fictional race of beings which exist in the world of Pellinor created by Alison Croggon.

They are an impossibly old race of Immortal, Invincible Elemental beings, created when the Sky shed a tear onto the Earth. The Elidhu have enormous power and can breed with mortals if they so choose. Known Elidhu/Bard hybrids are Maerad and Hem. The power of the hybrids is higher than the average of the two components: Maerad is stronger than the midpoint of the average Bard and the average Elidhu.

[edit] Varieties

The Elidhu come in two varieties:

  • Personifications of the Abstracts: These Elidhu are the abstract concepts turned 'flesh'. Examples include: Sky Elidu, Tree Elidhu, and Arkan the Ice Elidhu. They are not imbedded in the concept, they just have power over it. These Elidhu can travel far from where they live, though they often prefer not to.
  • Imbedded Spirits: These Elidhu actually live in, or are a part of that which they embody. The prime example is the Landrost. He actually is a part of a mountain: his spirit cannot roam from there, and his power only extends as far as the mountain, unlike Arkan whose Ice Powers can affect things wherever he goes.

[edit] Good or evil

They generally have little interest in the goings on of the mortal world and are seen as neither good nor evil, with two notable exceptions. The only pure evil Elidhu is Arkan, the Ice King Witch, and the Tree Elidhu Queen is referred to as good by Maerad.

[edit] References